Only the Best Items

The three carts were replaced with two others, each holding an early-perennial item. 

While the team started looking over the menu in search of their next order, Oli did his best to guess at what prices he should expect. He thought to himself, 'Will I be able to afford only techniques? And how much will a peak-perennial item cost?! To think, I wanted to buy one from the auction…'

'That's why Rykard's fealty is an unexpected blessing,' Eeole remarked. 'Oli, only make another radical bid after checking with me.'

'You still can't tell?' asked Oli.

Oli could hear Eeole's unusually long sigh in his mind. '... I somewhat can, but not fully. They've likely appraised it as something between high and peak-perennial grade since it wasn't one of the first few high-perennial items. Too bad… I was hoping they'd mistake it for something of lesser value and sell it cheap.'