Feast With the Task Force

"Do any of you object?" Hurman asked, looking at the four guest perennials.

Marsel shrugged but smiled. "I was hoping to get a perennial, but I guess a Shadow Drake is still a Shadow Drake. As long as Vero doesn't slow us down, that's fine."

"I agree," Lambier quickly added. 

"If Mars is okay with it, then so am I!" Opal gave a big thumbs up to Oli. 

Ceela chuckled, "I think he'll make a great addition. Paired with all of us, we make quite a force. And he rounds out some weak points we would've otherwise had."

"Thank you." Bowing to the perennials, Oli asked, "Does that mean you four make up the task force?" 

"Part of it. You'll meet the other two at the send-off feast," Hurman remarked. He nudged Oli forward and shouted, "In that case, Vero, you're hired! Cool down and relax while we finish preparing your feast and bring out the other two."