"B-but Master Rofar?!" one fumbling guard yelled in question and confusion.

Another guard yelled in concern and fear, "This savage is our enemy!"

"Would a savage be able to control himself? Able to stop himself from killing all of you so easily?" Rofar retorted, silencing the guards with a mix of logic and bafflement.


Rofar interrupted the next guard who dared to speak. He stared straight back into that man's eyes with a deadpan gaze. "I don't know about you, but I would rather serve a beast displaying humanity than serve a savage human. Even if that human is my father by blood… Or would you all rather keep your current leader, who is willing to execute all of you without batting an eye."

A few guards fought their hesitation. They forced their legs to move and willed their heads to look away, sprinting past Rofar and Khas toward the deeper parts of the palace.