I'll Settle for Killing You...

"Nice kill," Khas said with a surprised smile. 

Netra replied with a light nod, "I'm just lucky dark essence doesn't offer much physical defense… And, sadly, I don't plan to join either of those fights. So this is all I do."

In a gust of wind, Khas bolted past the fox and shot himself toward the assassin fighting Rofar. "You did plenty, freeing me up."

Oli walked up at that moment, asking, "So we just wait until the mess is cleaned up?"

"That's right," said Netra. "We don't want any unnecessary casualties among the future subjects of Iron."

In the fray, Rofar was still positioned between his two foes. He realized real quick that all he had to do was stall and help would soon be on the way. 

Advisor Hiddar rushed in with his electrified spear. His charge was always accompanied by a barrage of lightning bolts and feinting lunge.