A Risky Proposal

"Oli… would you allow me to dwell within your soul jade?" 


The drake stumbled back a step. Both of his hands shot up to stall the conversation. "What are you… How is that possible? Who told you it was possible?" 

Trada pulled back her spiritual claw. 

"Well, I was told that such an event should be possible so long as my soul was able to resonate with you, Oli. That's what Master Eeole had theorized."

Uutrai sighed, "Trada, just because he mentioned that such a thing may be possible doesn't mean that you should attempt such a dangerous thing. Please, consider the risk properly before leaping to such a drastic conclusion." 

Still uncomfortably ill-informed, Oli questioned, "What's so dangerous about it? And why do you want that if it's so risky, Trada? It's kind of feeling like this is a bigger deal than you're making it out to be."

"Would you be against such a thing, Oli?"