Crossing Another World

Vincent didn't know how long times had passed.

He felt like flying in the middle air.

He didn't even know if he was standing or lying.

He also couldn't move his body even a slight inch.

There was only darkness surrounding him…

It was so silent…

He began to believe that maybe he was dead after all…

Then as if they heard his thought, he suddenly felt something like a disagreement from the darkness around him.


He was still alive…?

He received a positive feeling from the darkness like they was just nodding.


But why?


They said…

There was no sound or voice, but he got a feeling like the darkness just said it to him.

It felt like their thought just transmitted directly to his mind.

It was weird feeling…

The darkness then trembled pleasantly like they were laughing at him.

So they could laugh too…

The darkness nodded again firmly at him.

Where are we going?

He asked them. Because he felt like they were moving really fast to somewhere.


They said again.

So Vincent had no choice to do nothing but wait.

He didn't want anger the darkness, what if they change their mind and kill him then?

[No kill]

The darkness said again.

Then where are we going?

He asked again. He felt really curious now.

[To Master]

Master? Who was their master?

Vincent didn't get a chance to ask again because the darkness surrounding him suddenly trembled violently. Suffocate feeling suddenly pressed against him from all direction. It was so oppressive. Like the space surrounding him instantly became narrow and pressed him.

He couldn't breathe.

He really couldn't breathe.

It was so heavy.

Did they finally decide to kill him?

Was he going to die?

There was a heavy sound and then next thing that happened he felt like the world around him was just twisting hard and—PLOP!

The feeling was gone…

…and he was falling.




It was hurt…

Vincent didn't know what just had happened.

But he really fell just now. Hard, on his back, and it was hurt.

He tried to open his eyes. Nausea feeling immediately came. He held his breathe, waited till the feeling gone. Then he tried again.

The first thing he saw was a large black hole. It was slowly closing up. It was dark and ominous just like he last saw.

Did he just fall from there?

He looked warily at the black hole. But it was really closing up. With a silent plop it was closed. Really… so different from the way it opened that was blaring violently…

After it was gone, all he saw was a dark ceiling.

Huh? Weird…

Vincent looked to his side, suddenly felt something strange around him.

He was lying on some cold floor. As he sat up, he suddenly saw the floor had some weird drawing in it. Like a magic circle in fantasy movie.

Vincent stiffened his spine as he suddenly felt like something was staring at him from behind.

He turned his body warily.

The first thing he saw was the darkness.

They were everywhere.

But they flocked in one place. It was then he saw a black figure stood facing him.

No, he was staring at him…

The black figure covered in dark from head to toe, but somehow Vincent could felt that he was staring at him so intensively.

It was creepy. He instantly felt a shudder in his spine. He stared back warily at the black figure.

The darkness was surrounding the black figure. They flocked together at the figure like they were trying to become one with him but couldn't.

That's right. Did they say they brought him to their master?

Was that the master?

He more seemed like some kind of phantom ghost from a thriller movie.

Vincent tensed his body as the black figure moved closer toward him.

The black figure tilted his head at him with one hand cupped his chin inside the hood. His posture somehow like he was really curious at him. Vincent could even vaguely hear he was muttering lowly.


His voice suddenly was heard aloud.

Vincent suddenly felt maybe he was just dreaming after all. Because why did that creepy black figure has a voice that was so melodious?

It was low and light. It was also so refreshing that he felt like to hear it forever.

That voice should be owned by an angel, not some kind of creepy black guy!

"Master, do you want me to kill it?"

A voice suddenly was heard from his side. Vincent flinched hard in surprise. He quickly looked to the side to saw a beautiful woman stood not too far from the black figure. She wore some kind of black and white maid dress. Vincent noticed she also stared him curiously with her strange red eyes.

No, wait, wait, did the woman just said she want to kill him?!

Vincent tensed his body warily. He quickly looked to the black figure, hoping with his eyes pitifully so that he would not be killed.

"No need." The black figure said again, making Vincent sighed in relief.

"Do you think it is so interesting, Marie?" The black figure suddenly said again. This time an excitement could be heard from his tone.

"It is human from another world!" The black figure exclaimed in delight.

"Another world?!" Vincent blurted out unconsciously.

"Ah, it spoke!!" The black figure said in surprise.

What the hell do you mean with 'it spoke'?! Of course I could speak!

"Wait. What did you mean with another world?!" Vincent asked again hurriedly.

"Of course, because you have just crossed here from another world!" The black figure explained impatiently. Like the question was so stupid and too worthless for him to answer.

"This is really another world?" Vincent tried to ask again slowly. He still couldn't believe that he really just crossed world. "B-but how? And why we still spoke in same language then?" Wait, did another world have different language?

"Hm?" The black figure tilted his head to the darkness beside him. "Dark said they make it so we could understand to each other."


Vincent looked warily at the darkness thing. They were really a strange thing. They could speak and doing something like a living thing. Wait a minutes, were they the one that just pulled him here?

"You just kidnapped me here!" Vincent blurted out unconsciously that was immediately regretted by him. He really should have kept his mouth shut sometimes.

"Ah?" The black figure looked at him in surprise like that thought really never crossed his mind before. But he suddenly moved toward him in fast speed making Vincent flinched back in surprise.

"That's right! I just kidnapped you, didn't I?" The black figure exclaimed in excitement.

"That means you are mine!"


Vincent stared wide eyed at him. He didn't even get a chance to say anything back as the black figure suddenly moved again toward a table in the center of room.

"Marie, I know what I will to do with it!" The black figure exclaimed in delight. He impatiently opened a large book from the table and skipped the pages to find something.

"What shall I do to help you, Master?" the maid woman said toward her master.

The black figure lifted his head toward his servant. His face couldn't be seen, but somehow Vincent could imagine he was smiling smugly as he said.

"I will make him my slave!"

"Wh-what?!" Vincent blurted again as he immediately flinched back after when the black figure instantly looked at him.

"That's right!" The black figure walked toward him quickly.

Vincent immediately moved back in fear. But he suddenly found his body couldn't move as the darkness once again enveloped him. He lifted his head as he saw the black figure finally stopped a few feet in front of him. The black figure looked down at him. From a closer look Vincent somehow could see a pair of beautiful rosy eyes stared at him.

Those eyes blazed in excitement as the black figure said.

"I decided! You will become my slave to help me conquer the world!"