A Deadly Bath

With a master that was so overbearing, Vincent finally could only do nothing but accepted his fate.

Beside if he had to admit it himself, he really couldn't bear to never look again at the beautiful goddess in front of him.

He couldn't help it because he was a man, you know!

Cough!—did you just bewitched by the goddess's appearance, Vincent?

Vincent blissfully ignored his inner heart that kept telling him that the goddess was a pure man. What? As long as he never knew the body inside then it was fine!—or so he continued to deceive himself.

They said people who didn't have honest heart would receive karma.

The protagonist in this novel also wasn't at all different.

Therefore if later a certain man was asked about it, he would surely beg in forgiveness to whatever deities out there. Because just as he told himself that it was fine as long as the body wasn't seen as man, the beautiful goddess suddenly said this.

"I want to take a bath, Marie."

Vincent : "…."

Marie, the kind and loyal maid she was, gently bowed and said, "Of course, Master. I will immediately prepare it." Before she was gone from the room to do whatever it was in preparing a bath.

The chamber then fell into silence, with an overbearing demon king who was still peeved at a certain slave and refused to talk while the certain slave fell into daydreaming of a certain goddess who kept saying 'I want to take a bath' repeatedly before it change to scene of a certain goddess slowly took off his clothes one by one and—


He didn't think of that

He didn't think of that

He didn't think of that!

He didn't think of that!

He didn't think of that

He really didn't think anything, okay! Look! He even repeated it five times!!

What were you kept telling yourself, Vincent

Did you know that people who were in denial always like to repeat themselves?

Alright he was wrong!! Vincent felt like to kneel in shame. (/□\*)・゜

Thankfully, Marie quickly came back again to the chamber making a certain man breathed in relief. Too bad, he concluded it quickly because what happened after that was…

"Master, the bath is prepared. Do you want to go now?" Marie asked respectfully

"Sure!" Noctis said in pleased. It seemed thought of bath made his mood better because he certainly didn't look angry anymore. He even skipped in his step as he walked to exit the chamber.

But Vincent suddenly remembered something important. He immediately stopped them. "Hey, wait a minutes! I mean, Master!" Vincent corrected himself quickly when he saw the demon king looked at him unhappily.

"What is it?"

"That, uh, cough!—" Vincent cleared his throat lightly before continued again. "I mean, Master, you already knew that this humble myself was only a worthless human and this chamber was so cold and all my clothes was gone just now. It is also my first time coming here. Do you think you can give some clothes, Master?"

There, it was smooth, right? He was sure he just said it smoothly just now! Don't underestimate his three years experiences as sales accountant!

"Clothes?" Noctis frowned lightly. He looked at his slave's naked body, remembering the clothes were melt by the dark at the ritual. "Alright..." he said slowly before turned to his another servant and said, "Marie, take some clothes in the storage for the human."

"Yes, Master. But what about your bath, Master?" Marie asked as she nodded respectfully.

"That…" Noctis frowned further before turned to look at the human. With reluctant expression he finally said to the human, "Fine, you come with me to the bath!"


Vincent suddenly felt like he just landed himself in a dangerous trap.

Sure not, Vincent. It was just your sales accountant's skill that was so smooth! ヾ(o≧∀≦o)ノ゙

Vincent was following a certain demon king with wide eyed as they walked toward the bath chamber. As it turned out there was a hot spring in the—whatever it was the demon king's home was called.

There was a large pool in the middle of chamber filled with hot water that was flowed from hot stream. Vincent smelled a fragrant and aromatic scent mixed with sulfur from the hot spring. Marie must be the one who prepared the fragrance for the bath.

Vincent stood awkwardly at the door of the chamber as he contemplated whether he should really enter it or not.

No, no, no, no, maybe he still had a chance to back out of here?

There was no way he would enter that dangerous chamber!!

I-It was—It was—it was the bath, you know?! The bath!!

Vincent screamed in heart helplessly.

No, no, no, no, he really should have got out of here! Just thinking the goddess in bath was—

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and come here!" Noctis called out for him unhappily, effectively broke whatever resolve that a certain slave had to run away.

With a nervous smile, Vincent finally forced himself to enter the chamber.

The demon king stood in the side of pool. He glared at him in peeved for making him waited too long. He even crossed his arms on his chest as he pout adorably. Really…

Vincent swallowed hard. "This, um, Master. What do you want me to do here?" he asked nervously.

"You have to bathe me obviously." Noctis frowned at him with his deadly look 'are you stupid?! You still have to ask?!'

Vincent swallowed even more. With difficulty he cleared his throat, "That, uh, do you think you should take a bath yourself—

"What?!" Noctis asked sharply.

"No, no, no, no, I mean, this worthless human is dirty! This human doesn't want his master become dirty because this worthless hand!" Vincent abruptly explained.

Noctis frowned hesitantly. "Well, the water has a cleaning magic concoction so your hand wouldn't dirty…"

Vincent felt like puke blood. "T-that was—uh actually—"

"Just be quiet and hurry up already!" cut Noctis impatiently. He even raised him arms unhappily, indicating that his slave had to take off his master's clothes.

Seeing this, Vincent could only swallow whatever he wanted to say difficultly. With trembling hand, he finally dared himself to touch the goddess—no! Vincent slapped himself in heart.

He wasn't a goddess.

He wasn't a goddess.

He wasn't a goddess.

He wasn't a goddess.

Damn it! He really wasn't a goddess!

Vincent felt like crying hard.

But whatever denial a certain protagonist kept telling himself, the story still had to continue. So the protagonist just had to keep his problems shut himself as he continued to serve his master.

Vincent's heart throbbed uncontrollably as he tremblingly took off the large black coat that the demon king wore. As soon as the coat slipped off, the demon king's body then was shown. Inside he also wore black clothes, a pair of long-sleeved black button-down shirts with shorts. Now that he thought about it, Vincent suddenly notice the demon king wore clothes similar with noble. Is it because he was a demon king?

Whatever it is couldn't hold Vincent's mind, as he still had to take off the clothes!

With deep breathed, he finally somehow calmed his mind a bit as he continued to open the buttons of the shirts. But as soon as those white skins were revealed a bit, he finally couldn't take it anymore. With a lighting speed that he didn't know have, he took the damn clothes off the demon king's body and threw it far away! Look, he even closed his eyes shut in tight!

Noctis frowned lightly at his action but didn't comment. With shrugged he calmly enter the bath and absentmindedly called out to his slave to wash him. "Use that concoction to wash me."

Damn it! Did he have to keep his eyes shut again?!

Whatever! It wouldn't be that bad right?!

The demon king was a man after all. Even though he had a beautiful face, that didn't mean his body was also beautiful, right? Beside it wasn't like Vincent ever attracted to a man's body before. He also wasn't gay! He had always been straight man since childhood.

Therefore it should be okay, right?

With that in mind, Vincent nodded firmly to himself. Then he confidently took the concoction for the wash and turned toward the demon king in the bath. But as soon as the demon king's body was in his sight, whatever resolves he just found before crumbled in a second.


A blood was quietly dripping from his nose…


He didn't see that

He didn't see that!

He didn't see that!

He didn't see that!

He didn't see that!

Vincent really wanted to cry hard!

"Why are you still in there?!" Noctis said unhappily as he saw his slave was still hovering beside the pool.

No, Master! It was about his dignity, okay! His dignity!!

He felt like he couldn't take back his dignity intact anymore. No, it was already broken to dust in the corner of the chamber!

Vincent thought as he reluctantly walked toward the demon king's side. With a trembling hand, he poured the concoction into his palm. Swallowing hard, he put his palm on the back of the demon king. Instantly, he felt like dreaming in paradise land.


How could this skin be this smooth?!

Even though he said the demon king's skin looked really smooth and soft, he never thought the actual feeling was even more incredible. It was so soft, so delicate and so tender. He felt like touching a silk instead a skin. The color was also so fair and pure. It was really a beautiful skin. It was so good feeling. He felt like touching it forever…

Did you just say something about dignity, Vincent?

Cough! Σ(゚Д゚|||)━

Vincent forced himself to focus again. After he was done with the back, he finally moved to front. Instantly, his dark eyes were attracted by a really beautiful sight. This…

Before he had always thought that two plump of melons owned by Melisa were so sexy and enticing. Each times those plump melons were bouncing so alluringly he always couldn't help but watched them in infatuated feeling. Now Vincent suddenly felt his view of world had flipped back and forth without care mercilessly!

Those chests were flat. Seriously flat. There were no two plumps that were bouncing up and down. Even though his mind registered that information, but his dark eyes really couldn't help but attracted by them.

With fair skin so beautifully smooth, two tiny buttons somehow looked really lovely in his eyes. Even though it was so flat, his mind kept telling him. But it was so lovely pink! It was so cute, so adorable, so lovely that he couldn't help but wanting to touch it.

No! Stop, you perverted palm!

Vincent scolded his hand that was almost out of control. Thankfully he noticed it before it was too late! He mercilessly ignored his inner heart that was expressing his disappointing. But just as he thought there would no more things that shocked his view of world. His gaze suddenly land on something that was even more incredible.

Cough blood! From now on, Vincent was dead, okay!! ⎧ᴿᴵᴾ⎫◟◟◟◟◟◟◟◟ ❀◟(ó ̯ ò,

Since he already saw it, he couldn't help but wanted to see it again.

The goddess is a man, alright?!

Even though he also had the same thing, and the one he own was even bigger! But why did he suddenly attracted by other man's bird?! Where was his conscious that kept saying he was straight!!! (/□\*)・゜

Even thought that little thing was not really big. It was only about average long with slender shape. But… his dark eyes couldn't help but captivated by the little thing! Why was it so adorable?!

—and what the hell his own suddenly became bigger just from thinking of it?!

I am sorry! He really couldn't take this anymore!

Vincent really wanted to beg to whatever deity out there in forgiveness!

With a crying heart, Vincent said goodbye to his dignity as a straight man.