
Life was difficult.

But Vincent found it a hundred more times difficult since he came to this world! (ToT)

However no matter difficult is it, he must succeed in asking his goddess for teaching him magic!

It determined his life or death!

What would he do if he couldn't protect himself from dangerous things in this world?! There were even magicians in human community!

Therefore it was time for him to use his ultimate technique in asking his goddess!

Sales Accountant's Skill!

"Master! Teaching me magic will be very beneficial for you! As your servant, I live to serve your need twenty four hours daily! If I cannot use magic, then I will unable help you in all tasks! What if you need me for something dangerous later? Who know what kind of dangerous thing outside? I will unable fully protect you if I cannot use magic!" Vincent passionately said with eyes full of sincere.

Noctis blinked at him in surprise. He would open his mouth to answer but Vincent hadn't finished talking!

"Furthermore Master, since I have to invade human community for our invasion plan, then I must have some skill in magic! There are many human magicians out there. If I cannot protect myself, our invasion plan is risked to be found out! I will unable protect our secret if I cannot resist them! It is something that is really important! Therefore teaching me magic is absolute necessary for our plan, Master!" Vincent continued even more passionate. He would like to continue again, but Noctis cut him off mercilessly.

"Even so, you will still unable do magic without magic core no matter what."

Cough!—Master! Did you say just now you knew how to help him? Vincent felt like puking a lot of blood! (ToT)

"T-then there is no way?" Vincent stared at him pitifully.

Noctis hummed lightly. He touched his chin with fingers as he was thinking. The demon king stared at his slave's chest for a while before finally said again. "You cannot do magic without magic core. But I can try to give you a magic core…" he murmured lightly

"R-really?!" Vincent widened his dark eyes in surprise. It could be done like that too? He thought they had to be born with magic core to have it?

"Well, it is my first time to do it so it will not be one hundred percent successful. There will be a little risk." The demon king explained

"Risk? It will not be dangerous, right?" Vincent asked hesitantly.

"Nah, it is just but a little thing." Noctis said carelessly. "Do you want it or not?"

"That, no, I want it! Please give it to me, Master!" Vincent immediately declared. It is just a little risk, right? Surely it wasn't dangerous!

"Fine then, you kneel." Noctis ordered immediately.

"Ah?" Vincent blinked in surprise, making the demon king frowned at him.

"What? You don't even know how to kneel?! As expected, you are just a worthless bug that only has giant body!" scolded Noctis hatefully

What the hell did he mean with giant body?! He was just tall! Tall, you know! It wasn't his fault that his master was a lot shorter than him okay?!

Vincent complained pitifully in his heart but he obediently knelt in front of the demon king. He nervously looked up at his master as the demon king stood directly in front of him.

Noctis then extended his left hand forward. Vincent couldn't help but gazed down as he saw a red magic circle that was connected to his slave circle on the demon king's left palm. But instead he touched it, Noctis reached out with his right hand. Vincent widened his eyes in surprise as the nail of the demon king's index finger lengthened till few inches. Then without care, Noctis slashed his own left wrist with his sharp nail. Blood immediately dripped out from the cut.

"Drink." Noctis ordered outright.

"'This—" Vincent widened his eyes in shock. He had to drink his blood

"What are you waiting for?!" Noctis frowned unhappily.

"S-sorry!" Vincent immediately said. But he really couldn't help hesitant as he saw the blood.

However Noctis gazed down at him intensively as if daring him to refuse his blood. With difficultly, Vincent swallowed his saliva before he carefully took his master's left wrist and put his lips gently on the cut.

Iron salty taste immediately felt by him as his tongue licked the blood. He braved himself to put his mouth on the cut before sucking gently all blood that came out. Then salty taste suddenly turned to sweetness and filled his mouth. Vincent couldn't help but moaned a bit. It was so sweet. How could the blood taste this delicious?

But as soon as he swallowed the blood, something strange happened in his body. He felt warm. He felt really warm. As if there was hot furnace that slowly turning on and spread out all the fire to every inches his body. The dizziness then filled his head. His breathe also became heavy panting.

What was this? What was happening? It was so dizzy. But he really couldn't stop drinking the blood.

"Enough." Noctis's order vaguely was heard by him. Even though he didn't want to, strangely he loosened his hold on his master's wrist and removed his lips obediently

Vincent looked up at the demon king, trying to see what his master would do next in his dizziness. Fingers then cupped his chin to pull his face even higher.

Weird, why did the goddess's face suddenly become closer?




Vincent widened his eyes in shock.


No, this, this, this wasn't a dream, right?!

T-t-t-the goddess lips were—

They touched his lips!!!

Vincent froze in his shock. His dark eyes stared wide eyes at the beautiful white eyelash that was so close to his eyes. Their pretty eyelids were half close, showing two beautiful rosy eyes inside them.

Vincent held his breathe as he felt the lips that were so unbearably soft touching his lips. Soft gasp was let out by him as those soft lips moved to open his mouth.

Vincent swallowed really hard. He tried to open his lips wider to accommodate. A moan was let out by him as a sweetness that was a hundred times more delicious than the blood entered his mouth. However he suddenly noticed something strange as his lips was opened wider by Noctis then—

What was that?

Something—some strange thing just came out of the goddess's lips then was transferred to his mouth.

It was bright.

Dark colored bright thing. Like a small ball. Like some kind of lights that collected together. Maybe if he had to compare it with something in the spiritual movie, it was like a really bright dark soul.

Vincent swallowed unconsciously as it entered his mouth.

As soon as it entered his body, Noctis immediately let go of him. He stood straight as he stared at him in some kind of intense curiously.

Vincent would have complained a lot about the kiss that was abruptly stopped if not for something that suddenly happened in his body next.


His body was in so much pain!

Really so much pain!

It started from the chest then began to spread to all over his body. His heart throbbed so painfully hard that he was afraid it would suddenly explode.

Then his body was burning.

It was so hot like he just stepped in the middle of fire.

Vincent screamed out loud. He didn't know when his body fell to ground, but he suddenly saw the dark ceiling in front of him. It was spinning so fast. His head was so dizzy. His sight was blurring.

His body was in so much pain and burning so hot!

Goddess, did you just say that it was just a little risk?!

Why did he felt like about die?! (┳Д┳)

Vincent didn't know how long times had past.

All he could felt was pain in his body.

It was like thousand needles just stabbed at his body repeatedly without stop. Then all cells inside his body were destroyed mercilessly before being reconstructed into new cells. They then were destroyed again after, before being reconstructed again into new cells. Repeatedly destroyed then reconstructed and destroyed again without stop as if they tried making something new without successful.

And the fire…

His body was in fire.

Like there was a very hot flame that was burning him from inside.

It was burning.

It scorched him so much that he felt like to die instead.

He screamed and screamed. But there was no sound heard.

When he felt conscious again, all he saw was only darkness.

It was different from the darkness that brought him to another world.

It was silence.

There was no emotion, feeling or movement.

It was just dark.

Did he just die?

It was so much pain. It wouldn't be strange if he just die from pain

Did it mean he would never see the goddess again?

Vincent couldn't help but felt disappointed

Then as if just heard his mind, he suddenly saw something in a far

There was light.

It was red flame.

Like a small ball of fire in the middle of the darkness.

Vincent tried to walk toward it. Or at least it was he thought doing because he felt the fire become closer to him.

The fire that he thought was small suddenly became so large that he couldn't even see the end.

Like a sun.

It was blazing so much flame violently everywhere.

But strangely it wasn't hot.

It was so warm but not burning hot.

Vincent tried to touch it.



Dark eyes opened wide in shock.

He was panting hard, he noticed absentmindedly.

After for a while, he took a long calming breathe before released it.

What just had happened?

Did he just die?

Vincent thought confusedly

Then he noticed he was lying in the bed. It was the bed that he slept on yesterday he remembered.

He threw away the blanket from his body and noticed that he didn't wear any clothes.

What just had happened? He thought even more confused. He tried to remember what had happened yesterday.

That's right, the magic core, blood, and the kiss from the goddess.

Did he really just survive?

Vincent looked at his naked body.

It was awful.

He sweated so much, he noticed. There was a lot of unknown black grime on his body. Like some impurities. He tried to touch them. He blinked in surprised when his finger touched his skin.


Since when his skin was this smooth?!

It was really soft!

Of course not as soft as the goddess, Vincent immediately refuted. But it sure was a lot softer that his original skin. It was even looked fairer!

Then he noticed another thing. His nails were longer and sharper than before.

Weird, he suddenly felt like a vampire. He reached out to touch his teeth. Dark eyes immediately widened in surprise.

He has fangs!!

His fangs really were a lot longer than before! It was so sharp!

No, no, no, this, this, did he really just become a vampire?!

Vincent quickly stood from the bed and ran to the large mirror near the water basin.

His dark eyes immediately widened in shock as he looked over his body.


Just what the hell was he? (⊙_⊙)