Magic Core

His goddess really didn't know his name.

Vincent felt like crying really hard. ・゜・(ノД`)

He suddenly remembered that he never get a chance to tell his name at all! His goddess also didn't ask him! (ToT)

No! This couldn't be happen!

His goddess must know his name!

It determined his life and death!!

He couldn't be just a nameless worthless human bug in the eyes of his goddess!!

Therefore Vincent ran to the front of his goddess in burning spirit to justify his critical identity!


Noctis blinked up at him confusedly from his large book. Aw, His goddess really was an adorable bookworm. Everyday all he did was writing and reading books.

No, wait, you have to focus, Vincent!! Σ(゜ロ゜;)

Vincent cleared his throat lightly. "Master, you know I have a name, right?"

Noctis blinked in surprise. "Oh, so you have a name?"

Goddess, why do you look so surprise?! Of course, He had a name too!!!! (┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻

"Of course, this slave has a name too, Master!" Vincent complained a bit. "My name is Vincent Luke."

"Oh, okay. So?" Noctis frowned lightly like he was confused why he should care if his slave had a name or not.

Cough!—Goddess!! What was that expression?! Please give him some mercy!! (ToT)

"So please call my name instead, Master!" Vincent said with a pathetic expression.

"Alright, Vincent…." Noctis frowned confusedly.

But a certain protagonist had already flied to paradise land as soon as he heard that melodious voice called his name.

His goddess called him Vincent~~~~~~! °₊•ˈ∗♡( ˃̶᷇ ‧̫ ˂̶᷆ )♡∗ˈ‧₊°

"You are so weird…." Noctis frowned even more confused as he saw his slave's action.

Cough!—Vincent immediately forced himself to calm down. Even though his eyes quickly looked dreamy again not long after.

"What don't you check your magic core? I want to see it works." Noctis said curiously.

"Oh that's right, Master." Vincent cleared his throat. But then he suddenly remembered something important. "Master, there is something I wanted to ask before that."

"What is it?" Noctis squinted at him suspiciously, expecting him to ask something stupid again.

Vincent began to cold sweated, but he still forced himself to ask. "These things… what are these?" He pointed at the transparent things that were flying freely in the middle air.

He had long wanted to ask them ever since the first times he saw them when he woke up. He also noticed something when he saw his goddess. He realized the darkness surrounding the goddess was actually a lot of these things that gathered together. Just that the darkness was dark colored and had different shapes.

"You can see them?" Noctis blinked in surprise. He immediately rushed toward him to stare directly at his dark eyes.

Vincent couldn't help but blushed lightly. His goddess was so close! He could even smell his sweet scent from his white hair. (/∇\*)。o○♡

Of course, the goddess just ignored this idiot worthless slave. Noctis ran his finger to his chin as he wondered curiously. "So you inherited my sight."

"Your sight?" Vincent immediately caught this word.

"Right, Marie said not many people can see them. At most, they can only feel them." Noctis explained lightly. It seemed this thing really fascinated him because for once the demon king didn't angry at him from asking something.

"What are them?" Vincent hurriedly asked.

Noctis smiled as he looked over at his darkness. He touched them in wistful gaze. "They are aether."

"Aether…" Vincent whispered. "Why is the darkness different? It is dark colored."

Noctis frowned lightly at him. "You cannot see their element?"

"Element? You mean the darkness? Is it dark element?" Vincent asked confusedly.

Noctis hummed as he looked at his dark eyes. "It is seemed you really cannot see their element. Can you see their type?" he wondered.


"Yes, try concentrate to see them clearer." Noctis ordered.

Vincent was confused, but he immediately concentrated to see them cleared. As he squinted, their image immediately became cleared. He wondered in amaze. "They are really different. They moved in two different ways."

It was hard to notice at first. But after he saw them clearer, he immediately could tell the different. There were two types of aether. The first ones were moving in organized motion. They were calm and composed. The second ones were completely contradictory. They moved in disarray. They were really wild and violent.

"The ones in organized motion is order aether. The violent ones is chaos aether." Noctis explained lightly. But his rosy eyes were brightened when he said chaos. "Order and Chaos are the ones that oversee this world. They are the ones that gave birth to this world. Human, creature, demon, earth, sky, plant, magic, element, all things of the world are created by them. We are born with a magic core also because of them."

Vincent frowned in thought. He remembered his goddess said about Chaos before. Something about him was being born by Chaos. "Just now you said element, they are aether's types too?" Vincent asked.

"Well, you can say it like that. They are many elements of aether in this world. The ones that are the most known are element of lightness, time, water, earth, and life. Order gave birth to them. While Chaos gave birth to element of darkness, space, fire, air, death. There are also sub-elements that are born from combination element of Chaos and Order, such as lighting, metal, wood, and gravity."

"If I cannot see their element, why can I see the darkness?" Vincent asked confusedly. From his goddess's explanation, there were so many elements in the aether surrounding them. But he couldn't tell the different at all.

"Of course, you can! It is my darkness after all!" Noctis said firmly. "They are different from free aether that you saw. My main element is darkness, so all dark elements in this place are mine. They liked to noticeable." Noctis said while looking proudly at the darkness that surrounding him wildly.

"I see…so you use this aether to do magic?" Vincent asked hesitantly. He could vaguely understand it from his goddess's explanation.

"That's right." Noctis frowned at him with expression 'Why do you just notice it now, stupid worthless bug?!'

"You have to change them into mana in your body. I already give you the knowledge. I don't need to explain it again, do I?" Noctis said unhappily. Why did his slave so stupid?! He thought in upset.

"Cough!—No, I understood, Master!" Vincent immediately saluted in respect. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

"Hmph, you should check your magic core now. Even though your body is a bit fault, it should work perfectly. Come to think of it, you really need to change your body. Phoenix's or dragon's blood should be enough to get rid all your human blood. But we can think of it later. It is fine for now, it just smell disgusting." Noctis grumbled irritably.

You wanted him to change body because it smelt disgusting?! Vincent couldn't help but black faced. ( ̄  ̄|||)

But Vincent decided not to bother with his goddess's thought. He immediately opened the knowledge that was sent to him in his mind. Because it was really fast, he didn't get a chance to look over it before. He tried to remember the knowledge vaguely and they immediately spilled out filling his mind in a flash. Vincent gasped dizzily, immediately tried to slow down the information before he read it one by one.

In this world, human, demon and creature had different magic cultivations. But they could have a similar method. Demon had four awakening stage in magic cultivations. All demons instinctively knew about this. No wonder his goddess was so angry for him to ask this common knowledge.

The four awakening stage was initial stage, elemental stage, arcana stage, and celestial stage. They said if they could reached the celestial stage then you could became a demon god. They would reach perfection and became immortal.

Vincent suddenly felt this magic cultivation was similar with path of cultivation in Chinese novel that often he read in the past.

While they said the peak was celestial stage, there were rumor that said there were still stage above the god. But no one could confirm it since no demons ever reached the celestial stage until now. So even his goddess hadn't reached the celestial stage? Vincent wondered.

Although these stages looked so simple, the actual process was really difficult. Even the initial stage consist a lot of sub level. But since he hadn't even reach initial stage, he be better didn't bother them first. The thing that he needed to do for now was training his magic core.

Vincent opened the information about it. He found there was a meditation technique in there. He suddenly realized that it was his goddess's training technique. Because as he read the information, he realized that training method each persons were different. Even though demon knew instinctively what stage that they needed to pass, the method they used to pass it was different each demon. They needed to learn it from another senior demon or learn it on their own vaguely.

Vincent felt really grateful his goddess was a demon king. Because surely no one was stronger than a demon king, right?

After he comprehended the meditation technique, he began to immediately try it. He found a place to sit crossed-leg and close his dark eyes.

Meditating he found was actually a difficult thing to do. Especially with his goddess staring at him not far, he really couldn't concentrate at all!

Thankfully, his goddess sent him the sample of meditating in the information, so he just needed to follow it. The magic core was placed in the center of the body. After he focused on it, he was finally success to enter meditation stage.

It was dark.

He remembered this place. This was where he saw a huge fire ball when he was unconscious.

He immediately saw it. The huge fire ball. It was really there.

This was his magic core?

It was really huge. Like there was a small sun inside his body.

Wait, didn't the goddess say that he only gave him a tiny portion of his magic core. If so, just how huge actually was his goddess's magic core?!

No wonder, he said only a demon king could do this.

He then followed the instruction in the goddess's method to gathered aether into his body. He took a steady breathe as he he calmed his mind and body. It was strange. His eyes were closed, but he could see the aether surrounding him.

Then he started pulled the aether into him. As he followed the breathing pattern from his goddess's method, the aether began to be pulled along with his breath. He inhaled the aether slowly into his body. He could felt their energy strongly this time.

He noticed only chaos aether that was pulled by him and not all of them too. It was because of different element? His magic core looked like a fire. It seemed he could only absorb the fire aether. He couldn't tell the different. But as soon as they entered his body, he felt a really warm fire.

Vincent then directed the aether inside his body to his magic core. His core immediately was blazing alight. Like a starving beast, it sucked all aether that came to it. The core then began to spin fast. The flame was blazing violently. He also noticed there was a spark of darkness in them. It was an amazing sight. He pulled even more aether to it.

His body then became really warm. Like a furnace inside his body was finally alight. It was burning warm that felt really comfortable. The more aether it was absorbed the bigger the magic core he noticed. But after a while, he suddenly felt really dizzy. He lost his concentration and the sight of his magic core was vanished from his mind.

"You should rest for a while." His goddess's melodious voice suddenly was heard in front of him.

Vincent reluctantly opened his eyes. He saw his goddess stared at him curiously.

"How is it?" Vincent asked in anticipation.

"It was acceptable. You can hold it for five hours." Noctis nodded in approval.

"Five hours?!" He asked in shock. He didn't felt that long at all. He thought it was only half of hours at most! Then as if his body agreed with him, his stomach suddenly grumbled loudly. He immediately blushed.

He suddenly remembered he hadn't eaten ever since he arrived in this world!

"Wait, how long I was unconscious yesterday?!" Vincent asked hurriedly.

"Oh, you were unconscious for six days. Why?" Noctis titled his head at him.

Six day?!

Vincent thought in shock. No wonder he felt so hungry!

Wait a minutes, if it was six days, then—

Oh no, Vincent thought in horrified shock.

He missed bathing his goddess for six times!!! ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━