For Experiment!

Vincent chuckled in amusement as he followed his goddess who dragged him by hand to the kitchen. Marie was already standing at the side of dining table waiting for them.

Noctis impatiently pushed him to the stove so he could quickly bake a cake for him.

"Alright, alright. Be patient, Master." Vincent sighed fondly as he rubbed Noctis's white head.

Noctis huffed lightly and said impatiently. "Hurry up! I want a cake! Sweet cake!" He added even more firmly.

Vincent took out some ingredient from the cupboard before he suggested gently to his goddess. "Eating a cake so early in the morning is no good. What about I make you a pancake for breakfast instead, Master? I can make a large cake for you at lunch." He said not knowing that demon metabolism was different from human. He just wanted to give a lot of varieties dessert for his goddess.

Noctis frowned lightly about not getting a cake. "This pancake… is it sweet like a cake?" He said hesitantly.

"It is really sweet. I will even put a lot of sweet syrup into it." Vincent explained as he rubbed his goddess's hair with a soft smile.

Noctis frowned for a while before he nodded lightly. "Alright then. But I still want to see you cook them!"

"Why do you want to see the process? Do you want to try to cook it yourself?" Vincent asked curiously as he moved to prepare the ingredients for the pancake.

"For experiment!" Noctis declared firmly, making Vincent immediately black lined.

What the hell was experiment for?

"What are you trying to make, Master?" Vincent asked hesitantly as he prepared to make raspberries syrup.

But Noctis ignored him. The demon king was just watching him cooking intently. Beside him there was even the darkness that was holding a large journal in the middle of air as they were writing something on it with a pen. Noctis sometimes would nod lightly to the darkness and whispered something to them.

Vincent leaned a bit to try to see what was the darkness wrote on the journal. But he immediately felt stupid as he remembered the language was different, and he couldn't read any alphabet on the journal at all.

Noctis murmured thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin with a finger. Vincent leaned a bit to hear what his goddess was muttering.

"….so the red berry can be used for sweets. I always used its extract as a neutralizer… but it made sense with its sugar content.... maybe if I boiled the extract and mixed them with aechmea leaf and bloodflower to neutralize the smell then… it also need drug catalyst from red Claudia flower and…." The murmuring paused for a while before Noctis whispered in excitement. "That's right, dark… it will create a sweet poisonous explosion! Right, right, I just need toxic of red spider from—"

Vincent shuddered in cold sweat as he listened further of their discussion. He really regretted his curiosity! The demon king is a demon king after all. How could he think from sweet to a poisonous bomb?! His goddess was really vicious!

After a half of hour, the pancakes were finally done. Noctis immediately threw aside his experiment journal and followed the pancakes to the dining table in excitement.

Vincent spared the portions for himself and Marie before giving the rest to his goddess. Noctis immediately sat in the chair and opened his small mouth to him so Vincent could feed him as usual.

"Mnn~~" Noctis immediately moaned happily as he tasted the sweetness of pancake. He even scooped the red syrup with his fingers impatiently to taste even more sweetness. "It is sweet!" He praised in excitement.

"More delicious than the cake?" Vincent asked as he saw helplessly at his goddess's fingers that were full of syrup messily.

"No! The cake is the most delicious!" Noctis refuted firmly. Even so he still ate the whole pancake happily with a pleased expression.

After an hour full of messy syrup, they finally finished the pancakes together. Vincent patiently wiped clean his goddess's face and fingers with a cloth from the syrup.

When it was finally cleaned, Noctis immediately stood from the chair and walked toward his study. The first chamber that he saw was turned out his goddess's study. He always researched and tried his experiment in that chamber.

As expected, as soon as Noctis entered the chamber. He immediately opened a large book and was writing again.

Vincent looked at the bookshelves curiously. He picked a random book and opened them. As expected, he really couldn't read them.

"Master, can you teach me to read a text in this world?" Vincent braved himself to ask. Seeing his goddess was always doing magic experiments every day made him realized that magic wasn't about all waving-waving mana. There must be some theories behind them. He wanted to learn all of them. Just like some weird symbol that he found in the cupboard and the water basin.

Noctis paused in his writing and looked up at him confusedly. "You cannot read?" he asked in disbelief. His expression clearly said 'why was his slave so stupid?!'

Vincent immediately black faced. His goddess forgot again he was from another world!!

He coughed softly. Where was Marie when he needed her?!

The loyal maid who was still cleaning the kitchen : "…."

"Master, I am not from this world. I had different languages from this world. So I cannot read any text here." He reminded his goddess gently.

"Oh." Noctis frowned. "What are your languages? Tell me all of them!" He suddenly asked interested, clearly distracted from the main point completely.

Vincent immediately black lined again. "Master, my world's language isn't really important! Nothing at all as interesting as this world! Therefore please teach me this world's language and literature instead!" he tried to persuade his goddess.

"But still, I want to learn them! I will need them when I decided to conquer you world!" Noctis declared firmly to himself.

Vincent really didn't know whether he should laugh or cry as he heard his declaration.

Goddess, please focus to conquer this world first!! Vincent thought in cold sweats. (´Д`.)

But thankfully, Noctis still sent him the knowledge about this world's language and literature. Like he did before, his goddess touched forehead with a finger to send the information to his mind. He even surprise when he found he also received the knowledge about runes. The weird symbol that was used for the cupboard and water basin turned out to be magic runes. But he could only read them, not how to use them. So he still needed to learn them one by one.

This information telepathy was really practical and amazing. When he asked his goddess why he didn't just sent him about magical theory too so he could quickly learned them, his goddess immediately glared at him.

"Are you trying to die?! With your miniscule mental capacity, you would only look for death from head explosion!" Noctis scolded angrily. He even said, "As expected of a worthless human bug, you cannot even work alone at all!!"

Cough!—Goddess, he was wrong!! Please give him a mercy!! m(。≧Д≦。)m

So Vincent could only sit in the corner to read some magic theory under his goddess's glare. Thankfully his goddess permitted him to read any book in this room. So he enthusiastically began to read them.

The first time he noticed about the book was there wasn't any author name on them. He checked more books to find that there really weren't any author name at all. All the texts also had same handwriting and he clearly remembered it was his goddess's handwriting! Don't tell him that all books in this room were written by his goddess?!

All of them?!

Vincent hesitantly looked at the tall bookshelves filled with books that were covering every wall in the room. There was so many of them, maybe hundreds, or even thousand books! His goddess wrote all of them?!

"Master, do you write all the books here?" Vincent hesitantly asked.

Noctis paused his low muttering on some experiment before he raised his at him. "Huh? Oh, these books? Of course they are mine!" He exclaimed in absolute tone. "They are my journal about magic experiments!"

Vincent widened his eyes in surprise awe. His goddess was really amazing! Don't tell him he just slaved himself to a genius demon king?!

"What are you experimenting right now, Master?" He suddenly became really interested in his goddess mind.

Noctis's eyes immediately brightened when he was asked. "I am trying to create a spell to trigger a magic reaction that will explode a human magic core from inside!" he exclaimed in excitement that was immediately made Vincent wanted to puke blood!

Goddess, could you be not so vicious?! ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━

But the demon king wasn't even finished!

In an excited voice, Noctis continued, "It will be really great if I can use the spell from afar! Then when the human bug doesn't notice it, his core would boil his body from inside! The spell will turn the mana inside his body to poisonous energy then one by one will cursed the bug's body cell into acid bomb and explode his body from inside!" he exclaimed about the gruesome spell in excitement. His rosy eyes even flashed brilliantly as he imagined the spell like it was something fun instead of gruesome!!

Cough!!—Goddess, please don't talk anymore!!

Vincent really wanted to puke blood!

He really regretted for asking!!

But as if the water already flew, Noctis really didn't want to be stopped from talking about his experiment at all! "But since yesterday, I also began thinking to create some spell about sweets! I really want to create a spell to multiply a cake! Just one cake really isn't enough at all!" He complained loudly.

"I want to try to multiply it with a magic! But the composition will be difficult since magic cannot create something from nothing! Then I started thinking maybe if I also used the ingredients to create a cake instantly instead it will be possible! But I don't know if the taste will be same!" Noctis said in aggrieve tone.

Vincent didn't know whether he should laugh or cry!


Tell him honestly, you actually were a crazy scientist or a demon king?! (┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻