Lord Inigo

A few moments after he'd finished the Inheritance of Pride…

After Dorian gained access to the Law of Pride, he tested it out slightly. The energy filled him with a not unexpected sense of superiority, enhancing the power and toughness of his body.

'Pride is for the body. Greed is for the soul. Wrath is attacking energy. Gluttony is defensive energy. Lust is the perception of time. Sloth is for recovery.' In his head, he listed off the various Demonic Laws he'd gathered, alongside the powers they held.

'What on Earth could Envy give me, then?' His eyes flashed at the thought.

'First though… Let's get this 6th Sealing Tube done.'

While the Demonic Shades were still cheering for his earlier spiel about the Demon Emperor, Dorian hovered his hand over the stone tube. Faintly, particles of light began to flutter off of it as he concentrated.