Getting rich

Beginner Herbalist

Herbalists can make medicines and poisons alike and they have a great understanding of the human body and its functions. Beginner Herbalists can make only easy to make medicines and poisons from the available herbs.

There is a slight chance for the medicine made to have a greater effect. There is a slight chance for the poisons to have a greater effect.

Becoming a herbalist doesn't mean I can make anything I want. For now, I can only make beginner concoctions. I will need greater knowledge of the herbs in the future if I want to make more potent medicine and poisons. To be honest I didn't think that I could also make poisons but there are a lot of poisonous herbs in nature. Until the end of the day, I continued with medicine making. I made the simplest wound dressing medicine. It was like killing two birds with one stone, I could make medicine to have in reserve and also raise my skill in the medicine making.

At the end of the day, I made a lot of medicine and raised my skill a lot. I logged out and after a good night sleep went to school.

As I promised to the students I gave them a reward. I called all seven of them in the teacher's lounge and told them a way to become a herbalist. Will they use this advice themselves or will they tell someone else I don't know. Are any of them actually willing to be a herbalist? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I fulfilled my promise. But as I reminded them about potential earnings from the herbalists class I myself also believed in potential money making. Not that I want to be a full-time herbalist but earning money should be easier this way.

Well if they don't want to be herbalists they can always try for other professions. I am not sure what kind of other professions there could be. But I would say that the safe bet are blacksmiths or miners. There was usually this kind of production and gathering professions in the other games. Maybe even a merchant could be one of them.

Speaking of merchants, today should be a day when one of them comes to the village to trade. Furs from my hunt should make me a decent money. Not forgetting to tell Maria and Anna about a potential way to gain a class I went home in a good mood, expecting a decent profit today.

As soon as I had lunch with my family I logged into the game. Because I was making the medicine in the chiefs house yesterday, that was the place I logged out and the place I logged into today. After I got up I saw chief, or maybe I should call him teacher or master now, making breakfast. He invited me and we had a meal together.

Then we went outside to wait for the merchant to arrive. We were waiting for him at the village's communal building, where they stored everything valuable to the villagers. After the hunters skinned the animals I brought back this is where the skin was stored. And this was the place where they traded with the merchant according to the chief.

We didn't wait for long. At some time I could see a horse carriage coming towards us being escorted by the village guards. It was a big carriage, pulled by two big brown horses. At the helm of the carriage was a young looking man stirring the horses in our direction. By his side was a middle-aged man. He looked a lot like the young man beside him. Or it should be reversed, the young man looked like him. They were probably father and son. There were also four men riding horses, two at each side of the carriage. Those men were bodyguards, mercenaries hired to protect the merchants and their goods.

When they arrived in front of us, four of them got down from their horses and the father and son duo got down from the carriage. The older merchant shook hands with the chief and said hello. I didn't want to make any problems so I stayed by chiefs side and watched.

The trade between the two was very ordinary. Whatever the village needed the merchant could provide. And the village would trade with the products they made. This way both sides profited.

After they finished the trade chief called me to join them. I walked to their side and joined the conversation.

, Old friend, this is the Wise Raven, young traveler who managed to hunt down several Rage Beasts. he wants to sell the skins and I knew you would want to buy them." said chief.

, Impressive " said the merchant, there are not that many young people who can do what you did young man. Let me see them and I will give you a fair price."

The chief asked the guards to bring the skins from the storage and to show them to the merchant.

Guards entered and not long after came back with the skins on their backs. They lay down the skins on the carriage for the merchant to get the good look at them. There were four wolf skins and one boar skin. The merchant looked them and passed his hands against them. It would seem that he had a great understanding of the animal skin. He should have traded a long time.

After he checked them out, he called his son over for him to also take a look at them. I guess this was a way for a merchant to gain experience in trading and knowing the materials. Sometime later older merchant nodded his head to his son and patted his shoulder obviously satisfied with the son's answers.

Both of them came to the chief and I and the older merchant talked to me.

, Young man, the quality of this skin is exquisite, too bad that one of them is too ripped" said the merchant with his finger pointing at the skin of the wolf which fell into the trap and got killed by the boar. The wooden stakes and the boar trying to exit the trap made this one skin almost unusable.

, So I can offer you only 5 silvers for the boar skin and 7 silvers for each of the three wolf skins. For the fourth one, I can give you 1 silver and 50 copper coins."

I didn't care for that last price because 26 silvers for four skins were good enough number for me.

, Deal" I said as fast I could to the merchant fearing that the price could be reduced.

The merchant smiled when he saw my reactions and both he and the chief started laughing. He then extended his hand and we shook hands sealing the deal.

I am rich, that was my only thought at the moment. Who knows how many players this early in the game had over 30 silver coins. Most of the players didn't even have 30 coppers not to mention a silver coin.

Before my wealth made me lose my reason I heard chief talking to me from behind.

, Don't forget you are a herbalist now. You will need tools befitting one." reminded me chief.

, Thank you, teacher, for the reminder."

If it weren't for the chief I would totally forget. I couldn't use chiefs tools in the future. When I leave the village I will need my own tools to make medicine.

, So this young one is your disciple also. Come young one I will give you my best products." said the merchant.

, What do you need, friend?" asked me his son, the young merchant, when his father gave him the sign to help me out.

, One mortar and a pestle" I said, also something to store the medicine in, would be nice. And a big bag to store things."

Mortar and pestle were crucial for a herbalist, and something to store the medicine is also important. As for a bag, having one more wouldn't hurt.

Hearing my request the young merchant looked through the carriage and after some time brought out some items. I could see one mortar and pestle set made from hard black stone. Also, there were some small wooden boxes in round shape for storing the medicine and of course one big leather bag.

, This should be around 2 silver and 60 copper coins." said the young merchant, since you gave us nice skin I will make it 2 silvers and 50 coppers. Here are 25 silvers."

He handed me one little leather bag from which I could hear the jingling of the coins. I didn't count them because I didn't want to offend them.

, If you want something else we will be in the village until tomorrow morning" said the older merchant, I have time to reminiscence with the old friend a little." Then two of them and the young man entered the chiefs house.

The only thing I could do was to go through my things sort them out and think about what to do until the rest of the day. Now with my own mortar and pestle, I can make herb medicine whenever and wherever I want. I had a lot of herbs in my first leather bag and I could use them to fill small wooden boxes and save them for the future.

I walked to the temple and first went in to pray. I prayed to Vesna and Veles, because both of them have influence over the places with a lot of herbs, like forests and fields, and Vesna is the goddess of fertility, which also includes wildlife.

I prayed for the abundance of the herbs and their guidance in using them properly. Honestly, I didn't expect to gain anything from this prayer but I had a hunch that maybe I will gain something useful from it. I wasn't mistaken, a notification rang in my ears and I heard a voice say to me:

, A blessing for a herbalist

Veles and Vesna responded to your prayer by giving you a blessing which will help you in using herbs from their domains.

When making medicine with the herbs you will have a greater chance to succeed and you can make the medicine faster, with better effects."

It worked, just as I hoped so. I had other hopes thinking that maybe I will gain a new title, the title about being a herbalist but it would seem that I am not the first one. Not that it came as a surprise. Two weeks already passed, by now there could be hundreds if not thousand herbalists. But as no one talked about this on forums it would seem that everyone is hiding the way to become one.

It won't take long for the rest of the players around the world to get to know this. I assume that by the end of this week if not earlier everyone will know how to gain a production or a gathering class.

I am not sure if the gathering can even be a class by itself. I first learned to gather herbs and then I became a herbalist. I would say that the gathering is only a helping skill for production classes.

For example, Donar is a blacksmith and a miner. Will this two be together or apart I don't know. Maybe if you just do mining and sell the ores you can earn a miner class. The future will show whether my assumptions were right.

After I exited the temple I sat in front and started making medicine. The other players could see me this way and maybe this will cause others to learn about production classes earlier but I didn't care. I wanted to raise my proficiency in the class and by making the medicine in the open can only bring me benefits. If other players see me they will probably ask for medicine.

Maybe I can even earn some more coins selling the medicine? My wealth can increase with every medicine made.