
Dan then finished looking at the whole ship, he told Robert to take care of it and to make sure that there was nothing wrong before the Great Migration.


While he was leaving the ship he saw a word on it's side, the word was almost faded showing signs of how long it had been there.


Moving closer he was able to see the letters in the word:


"Barbarossa..." he murmured after spending a lot of time trying to understand the almost faded word, then he looked at Robert and said:


"So the ships have names after all."


Robert looked at the almost faded word and said with a sigh:


"Of course each ships has a name, it's just that no one care about them anymore."


"Little Ru." Dan said after a while of silence and looking at the word.


"Find paint or anything like that and rewrite the name of the ship make it clearer, after all it's never good luck to sail without a name for the ship."


He heard many superstitious about boat names, and how it is bad luck to change their names and all, so he wanted to bypass that as the last thing that they would want in their journey is bad luck, even though it was just a superstitious and a legend he didn't want to bet.


Little Ru nodded absentmindedly to Dan's words, she found that this new leader was really weird.


They then parted ways, as Dan and Robert returned to the base while little Ru started preparing for the when the guards would come, by telling the others about what Dan wanted to do and his orders.


As she expected, when she told them that he ordered for the nets to be thrown, and how he said that they weren't going out to the ocean just to fish but for something else, everyone in the team showed surprised confused expressions, none of them was able to understand what Dan wanted to do, and some even wondered if he was simply crazy and had no idea about what he was doing or what he was leading them toward.


She did her best trying to make them remember that no matter what he wanted to do they had no way to change his mind, so they all just gave up trying to understand what Dan wanted to do, and started preparing for the changes in the ship, those that were on other ships returned to Barbarossa and those that had nothing to do, started searching it for unwanted objects to throw them from it.


As soon as they returned Robert left to do the things that Dan asked from him, he first found some guards and told them to go and move the water containers from the other two ships to Barbarossa, he also told them to empty the ship from all the unwanted objects and to throw the nets away.


He couldn't take the looks that the guard gave him as he was giving them those orders, it wasn't till he said time and time again that those orders were by Dan, that they finally believed him and left to the cave.


Dan on the other hand, didn't know that his orders were driving many people crazy, as he simply returned directly to Leonard's room when he got to the base.


To his pleasant surprise, he found that Leonard had already started showing signs of his ability's full awakening, as flame was already manifesting outside his body.


When he saw him for the first time he got a big surprise, he was there setting in the middle of the room with fire covering every part of his body, he wasn't surprised that Leonard didn't feel anything as that was expected but he was surprised after he saw that the only piece of cloths that Leonard was wearing, his underwear, was undamaged, after all knowing about it from his memories and seeing it in front of him were different.


"I see that you are doing well." he said as he entered the room.


"I'm good, it's just that I was a little bit bored but then the others started coming to take a look at me, actually you just missed Katherine she left just a few moments ago." Leonard said with a smile.


Seeing him smile while in the middle of flame gave Dan a weird feeling but he still threw it out if his mind, and said after staying silent for a while:


"Say Leonard, do you have any family member back on Earth?"


Leonard was silent for a while before saying with a sigh:


"No I don't, I only had my mother and she died last month because of cancer, because I was busy taking care of her and working in different jobs so I can pay for her medical bills, I never had a time for marriage or anything like that." his voice was sad and had a hint of loneliness.


"What about relatives? You don't any?" Dan asked.


"I do have some but because of how they acted after knowing about my mom's illness, how they didn't even help a little or come to take a look at her when she was dying, I wish if I didn't have any... That would have been better." Leonard said angrily.


After he finished talking he lifted his head and looked at Dan and asked:


"Why are you asking about this? It can't be that you suddenly become interested in my family."


"You see, we probably won't be able to return to Earth, our Earth I mean, ever again." Dan said after a while of silence.


Seeing Leonard keeping a calm expression and staying silent while waiting for him to finish his words he sighed and said:


"You must have felt it right, how I'm doing my best trying to make everyone here feel as if we are a team, a family, I'm doing all of that because I think that we will never have the chance to return to our worlds, even if we have it, it's small so we better just forget about it.


"You see asked Randy about it and it seems that all our worlds, be it ours Randy's or Nero's and the others, all of them are probably on the east side of this planet, while we will be going to the west, if you understand how big this new world is you will know that the chance of us returning to our worlds is way too small, that is the reason why I asked you if you have any family members, as you probably won't see them ever again."


When he finished speaking a defying silence fall on the room, he really meant what he said the chance of them returning to their respective worlds was small, that's why he was doing his best making every one of them have a sense of belonging to the team.


By collecting some knowledge he understood that Robin, Anie and Nero were all orphans, for Anie and Robin, he knew that they didn't have any reason to return to their area as they only had each other and they even were targeted by one of the seven Gods.


While Nero was an orphan too, he did actually want to return to his area as he was a person of influence there, and he had a good future ahead of him, but he also knew that Nero was a person who took the present situation into consideration meaning that he probably already understood that their chance of returning was small and almost nonexistent.


He on the other hand, didn't have a reason to return to earth, he didn't have a family or friends; he even quit his job, leaving nothing to link him with the other world except the farm that he inherited from his foster parents, remembering it he felt regret as he really wanted to live peacefully in it.


Randy didn't talk about his family or anything like that, but he was the one who understood how far they were from home the most, so he probably knew that the chance of then crossing such a huge distance was small, so Dan didn't worry about him.


Which only left Leonard and Katherine, he talked with Leonard about it just know, so he knew that Leonard didn't have a big attachment to his area, while for Katherine he didn't really know, and he was going to ask her later.


After a long silent Leonard said:


"For me it really make no different at all, and even if it did I won't hold on to the past, as we are already here, and wishing if we weren't won't change it, so it will be better if, as you said, we think of ourselves as a team or a family."


Dan smiled after hearing his words and said:


"Ok it's decided then, this night after dinnerI will talk about this with all the others."


Leonard nodded his head, and then looked at his hand and the flame that was surrounding it, as he said:


"Say Dan, from what you are seeing now, do you think that my ability will be strong?"


That question was in his head for a while now, he wanted to know if his ability is strong if it could help him in their coming journey.


"I can't say as it didn't really awake, but from what I can see it is quite powerful, not to mention that with the blood of a dragon and the tempering technique it will only grow stronger and stronger, so you don't really have to worry about that." Dan answered.


Leonard calmed down after hearing Dan's words, he only needed to know that he had a mean to protect himself that's all.


They talked for a while after that before Dan left the room, as he still had to deal with a few things.


He searched for Robert and asked him about what he did about the tasks which he gave him; hearing that he had already took care of them, Dan was happy, but then he saw the hesitating look on Robert face so he asked:


"What's wrong, did something happened?"


"No nothing much, it's just that we weren't able to get a lot of silver, even after we searched the whole base, we only were able to and a few kgs." Robert said.


"It's alright just split it on all the containers, if we can find more it will be good and if we can't it's alright." Dan answered casually after hearing that it was only about that.


Dan felt hungry he knew from his memories that after the body tempering technique his appetite would got stronger and he would eat more.


And in that day except the breakfast he didn't eat anything at all, so under the command of his stomach he moved toward the kitchen, he knew where it was as he had asked old Frank about the map of the whole underground base before.


When he got there he saw that no one was there except the guard who was standing outside, protecting it, the kitchen wasn't only the place where the meals were prepared, but also the only room leading to the storage where they were keeping food, so it had to be guarded all day long.


Knowing who he was, the guard let Dan enter without any questions, entering the kitchen Dan moved straight to the storage and looked for something to prepare, he was someone who used to live on his own so cocking something wasn't hard for him.


He just made himself something to keep his hunger under control as dinner was near.


As he was going to start washing the dishes he felt some movement behind him, turning his head he saw Katherine entering the kitchen, she also seemed surprised as their eyes met.