
Around a minute or so later the dragon calmed down and just as it did it turned its head to Dan and Robin's direction before heading toward them as fast as it could.


Robin put his hand on Dan's shoulder, but he didn't teleport instead he just stayed like that, Dan also wasn't just standing like that he held a spear in his hand and pointed it at the dragon, when the dragon was only ten meters away from them he acted as if he was going to throw the spear, seeing that the dragon open its mouth releasing a breath but at that moment Robin teleported taking Dan with him.


Dan was still on the movement of throwing the spear, so as soon as they appeared he through the spear and Robin teleported them again.


Dan and Robin didn't waste any time, as soon as Dan was ready to throw the spear and he started lining to the front, Robin teleported them to a place where the dragon's wounds were apparent from, calculating it clearly so that the spear hit that place.


The dragon released another furious roar after getting injured again, it couldn't believe that it was being played around by two insects, it got angrier the more time passed without it being able to kill them.


After that Dan and Robin played mind games with the dragon, which ended with another five spears on different parts of its body.


In the end Dan and Robin returned to where the others were.


"Katherine, it's your turn go and try it, remember don't try to control you power just release it all, a dragon won't be hurt with your normal discharges." Dan said.


Katherine nodded her head, she had trained with Nero a lot and even though when she try to put it under her control, the discharge that she could release is small and it won't hurt a dragon at all, if she try releasing her power without trying to control it, its power got much stronger, but its accuracy got less, so that's why Dan had to hit the dragon with those iron spears and had her try first after hitting its eye as he wanted to see if that plan could work, and fortunately it did.


Taking a big breath and nodding to Robin, Katherine got herself ready before they teleported away.


As soon as they reappeared the injured dragon felt it, and it headed straight toward them, not wanting to fall for any of their tricks again.But that time there was no tricks at all, Katherine looked at the dragon heading toward her with a crazy look on its only eye, she felt fear but she also felt excitement, it was a feeling she never felt before.


She lifted both her hands while looking at the dragon and tried releasing all her power in its direction, but without controlling how much was discharged, she just let it go.


The dragon saw Katherine's weird behavior but seeing that she wasn't holding anything in her hands it soon lost interest in her and turned his attention toward Robin.


It recognized him, as it was Robin who lured it there after he hitting it with many arrows and disappearing without it having any chance to stop him, it felt hate and just wanted to burn him and see him die in front of it.


Living as the one on the top of the food chain in that world for who knows how many years, it was the first time it suffered something like that from something that wasn't a dragon, so when it saw that Dan wasn't with him instead it was Katherine, it put all its attention on him forgetting everything about her.


Seeing the injured dragon putting all its attention on him Robin smiled and pulled the soul weapon from his back and pointed it at it, making it go even crazier and it totally forget about Katherine.


Half a second before Katherine released her lightning she saw the injured dragon's eye look at her, and it had a hint of confusion, it had felt a hint of fear from Katherine at that moment, but unfortunately, it was already too late, as even before understanding the urge which appeared in its mind, a thick bolt of lightning got released from Katherine's hands hitting it almost instantly.


The lightning was purple and the cracking sound that it made as it passed by the air gave Robin a shock as he was standing just next to its source.


Just as they wished the lightning hit every single spear and entered the dragon's body, its left eye where the first spear was, and its stomach where the three spears were and the other five spears on all the different places on its body, all of that made the dragon stop its mad charge and stand frozen while the lightning covered it.


Katherine's mad discharge lasted for two minutes at least, before it finally stopped, seeing that Robin looked at the dragon.


The dragon was frozen even after the lightning stopped; its one eye was opened and looking straight without focusing at anything at all.


Seeing all of that Robin pointed the soul weapon at it and released an arrow, he didn't just release it without thinking, instead he aimed at its right eye.


Just as before the arrow disappeared as soon as it left the bow, and when it reappeared it was only a few meters away from the injured dragon, with its speed that distant was nothing at all, and it soon hit the injured dragon's right eye, its only functioning eye, making it truly blind.




When the arrow hit the injured dragon's eye, the pain that it must have felt it made it release a great roar.


Robin didn't stand around to see it, as he teleported away as soon as he saw the arrow hit its eye.


When they reappeared again in the place were Dan and the other were, Katherine fall to her knees panting, she released most of her power in that attack which made her quite weak.


Moving toward Katherine Leonard helped her to set probably before asking in a concerned tone:


"How are you, are you alright?"


"I'm good just a little bit weak you don't have to worry about me, just deal with the dragon." Katherine answered after taking a few deep breaths, she was weak that for sure but she was also excited, seeing that huge dragon stop in its way because of her power made her feel fantastic.


"How did it go?" Dan turned to Robin after making sure that Katherine was alright.


"I think that her lightning did it big harm, probably dragons aren't that great in terms of lightning resistance its movement was slow after getting hit and it also seemed hurting more than before, I also blinded its other eye while it was still frozen from the shock." Robin said.


"So that means that it's blind right now?" Randy asked happily.


"Yes it is."


"I think that all of us should go right now, well all of us except Katherine of course, she still needs some rest." Randy said after he heard Robin's answer.


"But it's still dangerous." Dan said uncertainly, even though it was blind, a dragon was still a dragon and they needed to make sure that it was really safe before doing anything.


"It is our chance right now, let's just go there and finish it, yes it is dangerous but we have Robin, and none of us is normal, all of us had gone at least through one body tempering round, I think that we really have the ability to finish this injured blind dragon." Randy said.


"I think that it's alright, after all its movements aren't as flexible as before, Katherine's lightning did it big damage, we don't have to worry about that." Robin said, when he saw that Dan was still hesitating.


"Ok then lets go, I will go first then Randy, after him will be Nero and finally Leonard, here Nero, this holder have fifteen spears, me and you don't have any strong attacking power, but those spears along with our physical power, if aimed at a wound, would do some damage to it." Dan first decided at which sequence they would teleported before giving Nero a holder.


"Remember Robin you have to be fast, probably as soon as we appear the dragon will feel it and it will come attacking toward him, so as soon as you teleport me there, teleport to another place and release and arrow at it, and as it starts running toward you come here to bring Randy, keep on repeating that till we all are there, when we all make it there you should keep an eye on what's happening in the battlefield as soon as you see someone in danger or you see the dragon heading toward someone just leave everything you were doing and just do you best to save them." Dan added.


Hearing what he said Robin nodded his head showing his understanding, before putting his hand on Dan's shoulder and teleporting him away to where the dragon was.


Just as Dan said, when they appeared again the dragon headed toward them as if it had turned crazy, but its speed wasn't as fast as before, and its steps were unsteady showing how much the injury effected it.


Robin removed his hand from Dan as soon as they appeared and he teleported away, the next time he reappeared, he was a distance behind the dragon, and the bow was already in his hand, he lifted it and aimed at a wound and fired.


When it got hit the dragon released a roar before turning to Robin and heading toward him unsteadily.


Robin teleported when he saw that and when he appeared Randy was with him, just as he did with Dan he just dropped him there before going away to harass the injured dragon again.


He repeated that two times before finally, everyone was there.


They were split on different directions and each of them was ready to try the dragon.


Dan was the first to attack, as he threw a spear at a wound on its stomach, the dragon released a defying roar and started heading toward him, but just as it moved a few steps a stream of fire hit it.


The fire hit it straight to one of the shallow wounds on its neck, making it release a roar and turned its head to Leonard's location before starting to run toward him, in that window of time which he got, Dan changed his location.


And just as what happened with Dan, as it was heading toward Leonard it got hit by four plasma bullets to the stomach, making it roar in pain, as it changed its direction toward Randy.


And just like that they kept on attacking it one after the other, even though the dragon sometimes wouldn't care about anything and it would just decide to go after the one which it was going toward without caring about any other attacks, when that happen Robin would move to help the person in need.


And it just had to be that the first person that the dragon turned crazy over was Nero, as it just forgot about all the other attacks and just headed toward him after he attacked it, fortunately Robin appeared in front of him on time and took him away.


When they appeared again Nero looked at Robin and said:


"Thank you." he had already said that they were already one team and he would never turn his weapon on a member of the same team as him, except that he didn't know if Robin had also threw the despot behind them, so seeing him save him like that made him know that they were really one team.


"I too wouldn't point my weapon at one of my teammates." Robin said before teleporting away.