
The war between their Area and Area 01 was still happening and they simply didn't have time to care about what was happening in other Areas of the world.


"I too think that we shouldn't interfere with that, it's just something that I thought you should know, but what about the other thing, what about the first peaceful contact between two Areas, Area 05 and 06, we should probably do something there." Ronald nodded his head to Moore's words before adding the other part.


"What do you mean?" Tom asked interestingly, he didn't know why they would need to interfere there of all places, but he also understood that Ronald would never do something without thinking about it carefully so him mentioning that there only meant that he had a good reason for that.


"What do you think if we also send an ambassador from our Area to participate in this meeting, this way we will make our presence known, and we will make them understand that they aren't alone in this world, we can also show a little bit of our power to make them keep their actions a bit under control." Ronald said.


His words caught the attention of the people there, what he said was something they could do and it wouldn't even take them a lot of effort.


"Ok we will do that, showing our presence to two of the three Areas that have nuclear power isn't going to be a bad idea." Travis said after he looked at the other two and they nodded their heads at him.


"Ok we will do just that." Ronald said with a smile, and then his face turned serious as he said:


"Now let's talk about something that's happening in our Area." his expression and words caught the attention of everyone there, as they also set upright on their chairs waiting for what he was going to say.


Seeing that Ron

ald pressed on a place on the table, and as he did a holograph appeared floating on the table, the holograph showed the whole map of Area 01 and then it started zooming on a part of it till it stopped, as it stopped Ronald said:


"What do you think about this place here, does it bring back any memories?"


The others all thought for a while before all of them said something different:


"It is the place, where that warship disappeared three years ago." Moore said.


"That's the place where a fishing boat disappeared last week." Travis said.


"Isn't that the place that is thought of as a danger zone in our Area where a lot of ships and other machines disappeared." Tom was only left with that to say, hearing what he said the other two looked at him strangely, but he didn't care as he was only able to think about that.


If Dan or someone from Area 06 were there they would be surprised to see that the place which appeared in the holograph was the location of the Bermuda triangle in their Area.


Ronald on the other side only nodded his head before saying:


"All what you said was true, but it is what Tom said what I wanted to concentrate on, and what I wanted you to mention."


When they heard what Ronald said, the expressions of Travis and Moore became weird while Tom on the other side looked at them and smiled.


"As both of you said, there happened a lot disappearances in that Area over the years, and as Tom said many people think that there's something weird about it, yet many others think that there's nothing weird about that place at all, and what I want to talk about now is about the weird things happening in that place." Ronald said.


"What's weird about that area of the ocean? A lot of studies and experiments had been done on that piece of the ocean but nothing was found, meaning that there's nothing weird about it, and that it's only the delusions of people." Moore said.


"I also thought that there's nothing weird about that place, but you see ever since the multiverse combined the number of the disappearances in that area of the ocean become a lot more than before, it made it to the point where ignoring it become impossible." Ronald said while sighing, he started thinking that he can no longer understand the world after the combination of the multiverse.


"So you mean that something unnatural is happening" Tom said.


"Yes, it's just that we don't have any idea about what it might be." Ronald answered.


"So what did you do about it." Tom asked.


"I prohibited going through that area, it is now closed for everyone, and there are drone keeping watch over it 24/7... Or 60/7 I don't really know what to say." Ronald said while smiling bitterly.




Area 01: east side of Australia 'where the people from Area 02 where staying':


Adam was frowning as he set in his seat inside his building in Area 01, he stayed like that for a while before finally sighing and saying:


"Barney, go and tell the other six Gods that there's a meeting, it's important so all of them need to be there."


"I will Great God." Barney bowed to Adam before leaving the building.


After he left Adam got up and moved to the building where all the seven Gods meetings in Area 01 happened, set in his seat and started waiting for the other gods to come.


Soon after he set Lucas entered the room, he first greeted Adam before setting in his seat, and after he set he turned his face to Adam and asked:


"So Adam what is it this time, what happened, or is going to happen."


"You will know when all the others are here." Adam didn't answer him instead he just said that with a calm voice.


Lucas shrugged his shoulders, and started waiting.


Soon after that Carlos entered the building too, after him came Athena, then Snake, Lana, and finally Ethan.


After he saw that all of them were there Adam finally said:


"Everyone I have something to tell you, our calculation were wrong."


"What do you mean, what did you see?" Carlos said.


Adam's words were a surprise to everyone and they didn't seem good, especially at that point of time as they were in a war and everything had to be taken into consideration, in a time like that any miscalculation could lead to terrible consequences.


"We thought that if we attacked them first, the surprise attack that was supposed to happen in our Area wouldn't happen, but we were wrong." Adam said while sighing.


"Do you mean that our Area is still going to get attacked by them." Lana said in surprise.


"Yes just as you said, I was able to see that around eleven days or so later, our Area will be attacked by them." Adam said.


"So you called us here because..." after a long while of silence in which the seven Gods were trying to understand what Adam just said, Athena asked.


"I think that one of us should return to our Area to protect it from anything that might happen there, what do you think?"


When Adam finished his words the others all looked at each other, they understood that one of them had to return to their Area, it's just that they didn't understand which one of them should go.


"Who should we send?" Athena asked what everyone was thinking about.


"We have to choose one it doesn't really matter." Adam said.


"I won't go." As soon as he finished his words Athena said that, she didn't want to leave her soldiers behind her in the battlefield.


"I also won't return." Snake said.


"Neither will I." Lana said.


"That leaves the four of us." Adam said.


"You can't go, we need you here with us in case of any surprise attacks from Area 01 or anything like that." Athena said in her usual cold voice.


"Then that leaves the three of us." Carlos said while looking at Lucas and Ethan who didn't say anything.


"Ok I will go." Ethan said while the others all were still thinking about which of the three should go.


"... Ok then it's decided, Ethan will go." Adam said, and then he turned his head to Ethan and said:


"The next time the formation will be activated, you will be sent to our Area, remember after you make it there you should start getting ready for the attack that is coming."


By catching some soldiers from Area 01 in order to get some information of them, people from Area 02 knew about how there were another 24 world and that those worlds were called Areas and that they were given numbers by Area 01, so they also started using the same way of naming.


"Ok I will." Ethan nodded his head.


The six Gods seemed as if they were ready to go as they thought that that was all what Adam wanted to say, but then just as they were getting up Adam asked Ethan:


"Ethan I have to ask you something?"


Ethan was surprised as he didn't expect that Adam wanted to ask him something but then he soon calmed down and said:


"Ok, go on."


"Just what happened in the day when we fought the people from Area 01 for the first time, you member how I said that you started something unstoppable right, just what happened that day?" Adam didn't ask him directly instead he fall into silence for a little while before finally lifting his head and looking at him.


He had to ask him about that after all the change that whatever Ethan did that day was getting stronger and stronger every day and he felt that it would have a great influence on at the very least three of the seven gods.


"What do you mean by that?" Ethan said.


He was quite surprised that Adam brought that up as he himself almost forgot about it, but when Adam mentioned it, he remembered what Adam said that day.


"Just as I said, that time at first the only thing that I could feel was that you brought something unstoppable open yourself, that's all what I could feel at first, but then after the fight ended and each of us returned to own nations, I felt that the influence of whatever you started was getting stronger and stronger, and in the last few days it became strong enough for me to feel what was going to happen, and I saw something clearly..." Adam said hesitatingly.


"What did you see." Ethan asked, he was the one who was touched by that subject the most and he wanted to know what Adam saw.


"I saw a lot of things, and I even saw that this would have a lot of influence on two of the other seven Gods and not just you, those two are you Athena and Snake." Adam threw another bomb.


Athena and Snake looked at each other in surprise they didn't expect that something that started because of Ethan would have a link with them, and they become more interested in what Adam was saying as they listened carefully.


"That's not all, right?" As Athena and Snake were surprised; Ethan asked that question as he saw Adam hesitating a little.


"... After it got strong enough I was able to see that whatever it was that you started in the end it will be the reason of... Your death." After a short while of Adam staying silent he finally said that.


Hearing his words all the other gods looked at Ethan in surprise, they didn't expect that they would hear about the death prophecy of one of them, to hear about your death from one with an ability like Adam would never be a good thing.