Parting Gift

"Yes of course! We've prepared something for you," Zeus grinned.

True to their words, Zeus and Hades gifted Zero a whistle and a lamp.

"What are these?"

The titans grinned. "This is a whistle for summoning Pegasus. He will come to you when you call. Apart from underwater, Pegasus will be able to take you anywhere. The lamp is actually a portable home. All you need to do is rub the lamp and whisper the words 'itty-bitty living space' and it will teleport you and Truen inside it. When you want to go out, just ring the bell from inside."

Zero marvelled at it and promised to keep the items safe. En cast anti-theft enchantments to both items much to the relief of Truen before giving Zero his gift. It was a simple traveller's sling bag that has a dimensional storage inside.

"Although you can store things into the void, taking things out from thin air will surprise humans. Use this for things that are often used. I hope this will be handy during your travel."

"Thank you, En!" Zero beamed and hugged En briefly before putting the whistle and lamp into his new bag. He oohed and ahhed over the functions of the bag for a while as En showed him how to use it. The King of Trials had spent a lot of effort thinking about Zero's interest when creating the bag. With Mii's help, they managed to link the void inventory to the bag. This way, perishable and liquid items will be stored there immediately. Zero doesn't need to absorb an item immediately now that he had a dimension storage bag. He could put food away to consume or absorb later when he needed it.

Finally, it was Buddha's turn. The Sage God asked for Zero's communicator and fiddled with it for a moment before passing it back.

"Here, this is an application that will allow you to use the map function. If you charge it with magic, you can select these destinations to teleport to. It is a quick way to visit us. The map has a feature to record down the places you've been to, people you've met and scout for enemies or living targets within a certain area. For places you have not been to, the map can only give a general description based on what is generally known. Of course, I will update it regularly so that the information is up to date. However, things in the human world change too quickly, please note that not everything will be accurate."

Buddha had worked hard with Merlin and Steve Jobs to create this app specially for Zero. Truen was also given an intergalactic communicator. The Great Gods didn't do this out of goodwill. They did it so that Truen can be trained while travelling with Zero. On his communicator were a few things that were kept a secret from Zero. The first as a group voice chat and a location tracking function. The second was an app that is a library of knowledge from ancient fighting styles to science and magic. Everything as in there and Buddha had taken the initiative to create a crash course for Truen to study while he was asleep.

Steve and Merlin had worked especially hard on the simulation function to replicate the feelings of a battle for Truen while he slept. Isis had a part in this too as she donated her powers to distort time for practical training purposes. Time flowed much slower for Truen when his mind was trapped in the library app. For a day on Earth, Truen will be allowed to spend up to a month in the app library. It was a warp space that the Great Gods can share with Truen's mind while he slept.

"Of course, your training will begin as soon as you fall asleep," Freya smiled. "I will personally tutor you on basic magic and combat skills."

Truen paled. Didn't En say that the Great Gods were in charge of teaching him magic? How did teaching evolve into spartan training?

As if reading the elf's mind, En smirked. Zero was still occupied with exploring the map application and deciding where he wanted to visit first. Truen shivered when En whispered to him, "Don't worry, we will take turns whipping you into shape. After all, that body of yours is practically immortal. Something of this level won't kill you right?"