
Zero arrived in no time and sidestepped some of the rubble covering the library flooring. Olaf transformed back to his humanoid form and followed after the transfer student. There was something weird about the way Zero smelled. He couldn't tell in his human form but there was a strange smell clinging onto the teenager. It was very faint but Olaf didn't like it. It smelled poisonous and could only be picked up when he was in his dragon form. His memory was hazy but Olaf knew he recognised that evil scent from somewhere in his long history. Maybe he would ask Bob about it when he saw his friend again. For now, there was an annoying pest to take care of.

The air was humid and rancid. Zero had to disable his ability to discern smell in order to proceed. Olaf suffered tremendously and was raring to smash the spider demon. The only problem was the lack of physical body and that irked the dragon demon.