Fourth Stop - Wrath (1)

After a hearty breakfast that Zero found pleasing despite the simplicity of it, the trio set off to Amon's domain. Along the way, Zero found himself getting drawn into the stories that Sekkin shared. The teenager became starry-eyed when the spider demon shared with him about the manly training regimes under Amon's tutelage. Baal was bored of such tiring details so he chose to nap instead.

Zero didn't realise it until they left Lilith's domain and sulked. He wanted to check out the town but was too distracted by Sekkin's tales that he missed it. By now, the scenery was changing to something less beautiful and more hardboiled. The lush landscape was transforming into cracked and dry soil. In fact, the climate felt hotter as they closed in on Amon's region. Zero felt sluggish under the heat and Baal's quality of sleep declined when the heat became almost unbearable in the carriage.

"How do you tolerate this heat?" Zero asked and fanned himself with his hand.