Tanya, Queen of the Dryads

After a good meal, everyone decided to turn in early. Hua Tuo and Ruth were exhausted. Needless to say, the teen was still bouncing with energy. He tossed and turned for a good hour or so but couldn't sleep. Ruth usually didn't sleep at night but after taking care of baby Seff for a while, the vampire needed time to recover. Hua Tuo was too used to his noisy apprentice and zoned out on the ruckus.

This made Zero unhappy. They finally returned to Endow Hill but he wasn't able to do anything. Zero was brimming with energy. He wanted to do more, learn more and prepare to absorb everything his teachers would throw at him. The young doctor couldn't wait to learn about acupuncture and surgery that Hua Tuo promised he would teach. Also, learning magic-combat from Ruth sounded a lot more fun than doing qi gong daily.