Cultivation Monster

Buddha wasn't expecting a call. The God of Enlightenment answered it and was surprised to hear Hua Tuo ask for his help. Apparently, Zero was learning cultivation but the God of Medicine had run into some walls. Buddha didn't blame him. Zero was a very unique existence and even as the one dubbed as the cultivation monster, he wasn't sure if he was meant to hold onto that title with Zero in the picture.

"I understand. I'll head over soon," he told the weary doctor and hung up. From the description, it looks like Hua Tuo has made some rather disturbing discoveries. Buddha wished that it would be what he thinks it is but the God of Enlightenment would be a fool to hold onto false hopes.

The Wise God packed a few things along including a prayer necklace, a mana lotus, a golden pagoda and some water from his lotus pond. There was only one reason why Zero would be so qi hungry. If Buddha guessed it right, Solo must have planted something very troublesome into the void.