Saving Heaven (1)

Tambolt and Raj didn't think that the day would arrive where they would be in Hell. Both inventors were very cautious and did their best to lead a good life just to avoid the horrid place in the rumours. Yet, they found themselves being roped in to help their village head in the exact place both men wanted to avoid at all costs. Fate worked in a funny way.

"A little more to the left," the blacksmith hollered and Robo Mike carried the pump to shift it two steps to the left.

"That's right, you can place it down now," the djinn thanked the golem and started setting up the water pump.

Back in Heaven, Hyelin and Zero were laying the piping from the water pump to the dried-up pond. The pixie worked nimbly while Zero decided to make himself useful and did the thing he did best, second to his healing magic.