Poseidon's Request

Zero stayed in Poseidon's sea temple for a few days, enjoying the luxury of an esteemed guest while he became the titan's conversation buddy. The titan was very interested in what happened while he was out of touch with the world. Zero didn't keep anything from Poseidon and also admitted that his knowledge was lacking. It didn't take long for the teen to spill the truth about his origins after that and Poseidon didn't know how to react to finding out about Zero's identity.

"Are you sure you should be telling me this? You should be more careful about who you trust," the God of Oceans advised.

Zero shook his head. "I don't have any reason to see you as a threat. You are very weakened right now and I am very powerful. What difference does it make?"

Poseidon had no way to refute Zero's harsh facts. In the past, he would have taken it as an insult but now that his time was coming to an end, he could only laugh at the irony.