Meeting Queen Rosalind

The clothing that Zero stole from the abandoned villages became useful when Zero had to fashion some female clothes for his meeting with Queen Rosalind. Although the fabric wasn't of great quality, Zero had plenty of fabric to work with. The stitching techniques he learnt from Mitchnew came in handy and Zero made a new dress that didn't look like a healer's dress just for an audience with Queen Rosalind. Truen couldn't accompany him so Zero made sure to keep his worried friend informed about how the meeting went through live feedback using the party call.

Queen Rosalind wasn't anything like Zero had expected her to be. Not all ladies were feminine and Queen Rosalind was one of those minorities. Zero liked her the moment he saw her. The queen was like Zenobia, a warrior through and through. However, unlike the chieftess, queen Rosalind was a swordswoman instead of an archer.