Slimming Potion Seller

King Darius wasn't just a fool, he looked like a stereotypical foolish king too. He had a round face and a rounder belly. He was short for a dwarf and had a child-like appearance. King Darius wasn't very handsome and if he wasn't adorned in fine clothes befitting the royal family, Zero would think that he was a wastrel. His hair and moustache were curly and Truen's ear twitched when the King's nasally voice rang out in the throne room.

"The both of you are envoys from Magnus Hilda?"

Zero and Truen bowed humbly out of courtesy but not respect for the dwarven king. Truen studied the ministers standing in the room and eyed the one that was a chancellor who wore a monocle and stood beside the king. If he wasn't mistaken, that will be the man they had to convince and the greatest obstacle in their way.