Zero Apologises

It took Zero three days to finally arrange a private audience with the princess. King Darius had been petrified when Zero made a request to see the princess alone in the salon for a chat. Even the chancellor started to plead on behalf of their princess and Zero had to spend hours convincing them that he wasn't angry anymore.

After talking to the King and the chancellor about why he lost his cool and why he wanted to keep his adventurer ranking a secret despite his frightening ability, they were finally convinced. The only delay was waiting for the king to finally persuade his daughter to agree to the private audience with her teacher in the salon.

Zero felt bad when he saw how frightened the girl was. Even though Princess Dorothy was no longer dieting, she had lost the weight she gained back. In fact, she looked pale and Zero worried for her health.

"Are you alright, princess? You look worse than when we first started lessons."