Bullying Sleepy Cave

The next morning, Zero woke up before Truen and left a note for his friend that he was going hiking and dragon hunting. Crudgel and Grandma Moppo were very helpful last night and Zero got the gist of the situation. Currently, as the village leader, his primary concern would be the lack of population. The only new couple that they've had were Gweshr and Moona. However, they cannot have children due to Moona's unique constitution.

With no new couples in the village, they aren't able to increase its population. Half Moon Village was a place for misfits to gather at and a shelter for those who need it. Grandma Moppo wasn't concerned about who came along previously. Now, she had to be more cautious because there were big secrets within the village ever since Zero became the leader. They also didn't want another Douglas incident so recruiting villagers was out of the question.