Interesting Proposal

The bosses of Green Hawk eventually arrived but Zero wondered why they were all wearing green feathered masks. It looked slightly ridiculous on them but Zero didn't say it aloud. Still, he was rather surprised to see that the leaders weren't all humans. There was one short and pudgy man but Zero didn't know if he was simply a short and fat human or if he was a dwarf. The furry armed man was definitely a were folk. Zero didn't know if the lady was human or a mix of something but he knew for sure the webbed fingers of another lady were a dead giveaway that she was a water creature. It was fun trying to guess their identities but for now, Zero concentrated on Dwayne's query.

"It's rare for us to be approached by you," the lady with webbed fingers smiled. Her voice sounded like wind chimes and Zero resisted the charm magic. There was no doubt that this lady was a siren.