Monster Den

Bob and Zero decided to branch out in different directions while Jermine zoomed around and made winding tunnels. They decided on a strategy to dig downwards branching in several different directions for a few kilometres so that Zero and Bob can split up and scan the area to see if there are any underground caves or creatures nearby. Zero had to admit, Jermine moved underground faster than they could crawl through them. He was having a hard time keeping up with his original vessel form so he transformed into a small bat. Similarly, Bob transformed into his miniature dragon body to fly around easier. After Jermine dug the tunnels, Bob and Zero would use magic to reinforce them. This went on for a few hours.

Using the party function, Zero was able to map out more parts of the underground tunnels and areas with Bob working separately from him. They covered a huge area underground and Jermine was nice enough to dig some air vents.