Finding Gnaway’s Entrance

Thirteen orders or steaming hot ramen later, the party found themselves sated and ready to take on Gnaway. At least everyone who had more than one bowl was, Jermine was still feeling ill.

"Are you alright? You look unwell," Zero commented while they started to walk towards the ruins."

Jermine shook her head and smiled. "It's alright, sir. Just maybe indigestion from eating too quickly."

Hearing that Jermine was indeed unwell, Zero didn't hesitate to give her some homemade hawthorn candies. The poor mole beast girl wanted to cry. Why did Zero have to be a doctor? If he was a kind and unknowledgeable adventurer, he could have sent her back to trade places with Bob. Things weren't going her way and Jermine moved to plan B. If she couldn't get out of this, she would stick very close to Truen and Zero just in case something happened. They were both very strong and also her best bet of surviving this ordeal.