Gnaway and the Sand Ravagers

Indeed, the ruin master was toying with them when he said a library. This was far from a library even if there were many books, Truen's guess had been on point.

"Don't touch anything," Zero warned his party members. Although these books looked harmless, Zero knew that they were far from it. The different instrumental sets and equipment reminded Zero about Merlin's messy lab. His mind thought about how Lovina was going to cope with his messy teacher.

Most of the paperbound books were decayed and would crumble to dust if anyone touched them so Zero ignored the tomes. It was a shame but the most important thing in this library wasn't the inked records.

"This is it," he said and looked at the wall full of carvings. This was a language that Zero recognised and understood. As the student of the most famous alchemist and magician, Zero could read it fluently.