The Way of Desert Dwellers

Zero was extremely interested and didn't care if the cacti-folks were odd. He simply accepted their way of living and dubbed it "The Way of Desert Dwellers".

"Let's talk to them," he grinned and looked at three very unenthusiastic faces over dinner.


Bob was the first to break the silence. "Do you really think that this is safe? We don't know anything about cacti-folks. They could be cannibals."

Zero blinked. "But they plant vegetables. Besides, we don't really have a clue about the gnomes. If the gnomes travelled west, they must have also passed by this village on their travels. It's better to ask about the gnomes and maybe these natives might know about the desert poppy."

Truen hated to admit it but Zero was right. he gave Bob a glance and shook his head. Backing down reluctantly, Bob went back to his food.