New Ten-Path Crossway Warp

"Axel!" a cheerful voice called.

The spriggan stopped braiding twigs and looked up to see a very familiar face. "Is that...?"

Wiser who was behind Zero grinned. Shittomi stopped weaving leaves and smiled. It didn't take as long as she thought it would. Wiser must have skipped on many details for the discussion to end so quickly.

"It's me, Zero!" the doctor grinned and greeted Shittomi who was making a leaf crown using the fallen leaves from the Tree of Time.

The Tree of Life was isolated from the rest of the shrine and there was a very powerful barrier around it that made Zero pause. Wiser ignored it and walked right through which prompted Zero to do the same only to be stopped by a crackle of electricity.

"Oops! My bad. Please try again," Axel apologised and modified the barrier's restrictive spell.