Rotten Fruits and Rotten Hearts

They ate, chatted, played some word charade games and even meditated all the way until the capital of Smargdas was within view.

"We're almost here," Bob informed them and Truen quickly wove the illusion spell.

"Let's stop by the forest in the North," he told Bob who agreed. That was still part of the Smargdas region even if most of the forest belonged to Altear. Thankfully, it was a neutral zone where small towns mushroomed due to travelling needs. They could definitely top by a small town to send word ahead to Mitchnew.

Finding a small clearing from the sky, Bob landed gracefully and Zero was the first to hop off, eager to stretch his legs and look around. According to the mini-map, the town near them was a very basic one with only an inn, a tavern and some small provision shops. There weren't many villagers but there were many travellers who would stop by before reaching the main city.