Following The Scent of Death

Old Gary was woken up early the next morning because the guests wanted to check out. Aldina was sad that they had to leave so soon but still wished them luck in rescuing Misana while she thanked them for the autographed dagger from Mitchnew.

"Someone from Half Moon Village will contact you," Zero assured the new Guild Master of the Humanitarian Guild. "Also, don't panic if King Brice visits you in person. I told him that he has to support the guild and rebuild this country if we took on his request. He's still very young and helpless so I hope that you can assist him to create a better future with Half Moon Village backing you up."

Bob transformed into his full dragon form, making the grandfather and granddaughter's jaws drop as Truen and Zero climbed onto his back.

"Yip yip! Onward to Route 553!" Zero grinned and Bob rolled his eyes.

"Master, I don't know what route 553 is."