Mediating a Civil War

After explaining the concept of soul cultivation several times, Jynx finally understood it when Zero demonstrated how it could work by borrowing a few pieces of paper cut into little human shapes. Truen didn't understand what Zero was doing as he poured a little qi wrapped in mana into the paper puppets and controlled them with basic animation magic.

The paper puppets put up a small skit and danced on the table, amusing and impressing Jynx who decided to give cultivating a try instead of harvesting the souls of the living. Zero was pleased and they shook on this but Jynx brought the initial question back about her client and Zero finally agreed after seeing the efforts Jynx was willing to make for him to reduce slavery.

"Thank you for accepting!" she smiled brightly then sighed.

"Those fraternal twin magicians you were looking for are chimaeras. I'm assuming you don't know what that means?"