Enhanced Life Form

Zero didn't have to do or say much to convince Jynx to lend him a hand. He didn't even tell Jynx about his crazy idea when he enlisted her help. All the banshee knew was that the doctor needed an assistant urgently for something that concerned Baku. As her child's other mother, how could Jynx refuse?

That was how the banshee was promptly kidnapped into Zero's ultra-secret time-inflating lamp. This new dimensional space made Jynx nervous simply because she felt creeped out by many captive souls and mana emitting flowers in the room.

"Where are we?"

Zero smiled. "My room. I can give you a room tour later but for now, please chug this down and help me maintain a simple soul binding spell."

The doctor didn't give her any further explanation and while Jynx was still extremely confused, she did as she was told. There were two other fairies in the room and Jynx wondered if they were Zero's acquaintance.