Spriggan Sylvia

Reforging Sylvia's Soul was a lot easier compared to reforging Hana's soul. Zero didn't have to tamper with Sylvia's soul to make it resilient enough for the responsibility of his 'thought'. Sylvia was already prepared for that immense pressure.

However, the tricky part was keeping Sylvia's soul from getting tainted by the heavy corruption in Baku's soul. Zero heavily underestimated the amount of corruption in Baku's soul when he removed the section and now, he stared at the mess he made.

"Wii, go to Half Moon Village and get me to bottles full of Trigression Falls' water."

The eggplant fairy complied and teleported away while Zero continued to cast purification and light magic on the soul fragments. He hadn't added the thoughts or chaos fragments to the soul elements because the corruption was doing too good of a job keeping the pieces together in the wrong way.