Discounts and Freebies

Bob had to admit, Zero had an innate talent for raking up discounts and freebies wherever he went regardless of having boobies or not. All his master needed to do was flash a smile to disarm people's guard against him.

When they arrived at the main gate and joined the line, the guards had been hostile when they approached. However, once Zero let the hood fall, things magically changed. They had a corrective attitude and became extra polite to them as if to make up for the bad customer service earlier. They didn't even check Zero and Bob's identity before giving them two passes. The elven guard's team captain even gave them a discount on the passes discreetly after kissing Zero's hand. The dragon had never seen such a greasy guard in his life until now. Bob wanted to roar at the elf for taking advantage of his beautiful master but Zero beat him to the punch.