Meeting King Sharo

Hearing that Jermine and her family were safe, Zero told Bob to remain with Monoman and assist where it was required. He needed to know a little more about Lycantopia while he tied up loose ends at Altear.

Truen agreed with Zero's thoughts and they told Torran that they were heading back into the city. This time, they couldn't leisurely scout for information. Zero was going through the main entrance and the official letter from King Brice was very handy.

As soon as the reply from King Sharo came, they were out of the village and off to see the king.

Altear's VIP treatment didn't disappoint but Zero felt slightly uncomfortable with how perfect everything was. There wasn't anything to be discontented with as esteemed guests from Smargdas but something still seemed to be lacking but Zero didn't know what it was.