Altear's Greatest Shame

The guards saw their king and saluted in greeting. King Sharo merely nodded to his royal guards and told them that he was bringing guests. 

Seeing a busty woman wasn't an uncommon sight. In fact, the king's private property housed many beautiful women to serve only one purpose. They were long used to seeing King Sharo bring many beautiful women to his private residence. None of them who entered ever left this place and it was how King Sharo gained his lady-killer reputation. However, none of his most trusted elven guards had seen a man enter it before. Not to mention, King Sharo was bringing in a human lady and her wood elf companion.

"What are you staring at? Open the gates!" King Sharo snapped when his guards didn't react automatically. He was the king, and this was his private property. Who were they to judge his guests?!