Dragon Attack (2)

When Truen and Donkey Sharo reached the frontline where the heat of the battle was, they could hardly remain on the ground. The tornado was fiercer than Truen thought it would be and Bob didn't seem to be acting any longer. The Eternal Dragon was howling and sending attacks to the attacking werebeasts.

The werebeasts were putting up a good resistance against the dragon's attack despite the terrible weather, and Truen wondered if Zero's no hurting policy was still effective. The plan to scare these werebeasts with overwhelming might was falling apart right before their eyes, and Truen felt his stomach drop. What was Zero going to do?

"Ready the archers! We're going to pierce its hide with reinforced magic! I don't believe we won't be able to take this young one down. Fire at will!"

The command came from the top of the wall and Zero cringed. Even with his protection and Bob's strength, this wasn't an attack easily thwarted.