Shape of the Earth

The farewell party ended days ago, but Zero still wasn't entirely ready to leave Half Moon Village. He lingered for a little longer and called Bob out to go for long rides spanning over a few days. Truen didn't question what Zero was up to this time. He had a feeling he knew what the doctor was doing.

On the second week after the farewell party, Zero told Truen that he was ready to depart.

"Shall we go find Fae King Vivian to ask him for help? Shipwright Pocky lives close to Mystic Meadows, so the fairies should be able to find him quickly if we have some help."

Truen shook his head. "No need for that. Cleo already found the estimated location that he lives in. Once we head over to the spot, I would be able to locate his exact location in less than half a day with the area tracking arrows."