Man of Sea (1)

The otter assigned to be Zero and Truen's teacher was a young otter who introduced himself as Docky's disciple and a captain of a ship. In terms of commanding a vessel, nobody was better than Ottley when navigating rough waters.

"This scar on my back," Ottley removed his shirt to show the doctor and his archer pal, "came from saving my comrade."

Zero frowned. That didn't look like it was done by a blade or a whip. The scar ran all the way from Ottley's left shoulder to his right hip. There were many jagged edges, some deeper than other places. More interestingly, Zero noticed how there were circular patterns at two places. What could have caused such an injury?

"The sea is a merciless place, sometimes more so than on land. There are two things you must learn to fear at sea. The first is starvation and the second is the Kraken. Not even Queen Leah knows how to deal with the King of the Sea."

Zero's eyes lit up in understanding. "Was that done by a Kraken?"