Heartache and Loneliness

Nothing much happened inside the Marrissa. Everyone was ushered to wait outside. Only Zero and Queen Leah were allowed to remain in the sinking ship as they discussed the terms in private. Truen had Bob and the mindscape assistants relay information to him as they waited outside.

Tension was everywhere as Monoman engaged in a staring competition with the elite merfolk guards. Jermine and Ottley were less intense and talked to a few water sprites with ease. Pepper studied Indra Seagloo's structure and started sketching furiously. Thomas would probably regret not coming along when he showed the technician gnome.

Queen Leah set up a sound barrier before negotiations started, and Zero smiled. He knew this was going to happen. Instead of continuing with the farce, he transformed back into his regular appearance.

The change in exterior looks did not surprise the great water sprite. If anything, she simply smirked as if expecting it.