Royal Date and Stalkers (2)

Everyone in Indra Seagloo knew about the royal date. The townsfolk cheered and sang about it, the bards played music in the square as actors acted out what they thought would happen on the royal date. Truen cringed at the kissing scene and confession as the crowd cheered for the actors embracing each other like lovers glued at the hips. He shuddered and picked up his pace, jumping from roof to roof. Bob told him Zero was almost ready to depart.

The dragon was tucked into Zero's shirt, and the doctor squirmed. He barely managed to get away with it when the maids suddenly intruded on him in the bathroom. Luckily, he was able to get them to leave quickly before Bob was discovered.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the mindscape?" Zero asked, and Bob refused. He was worried about his master's dignity and insisted on coming along in his physical form.