
Although the fight with Lullaby wasn't easy, he managed to beat it down with his fists, and as a finisher he shot it with a Kamehameha. He had managed to defeat Lullaby quicker than how they would

The magic council had arrived once everything was over to find out what happened, and when they heard that it was an evil creation made by Zeref that caused all of this, they immediately tried to obtain it like how they did in the anime

The difference here was that this was no longer an anime, Natsu and his group did not cause any damage fighting against it, as it was Adrian who fought and won, and when no one was watching he quickly stored Lullaby, which was in its flute form into his seal

The good thing about the seal is that it allows him to put any object inside, where no one else can reach it, and it completely erases its presence, meaning that not even its maker (Zeref) will be able to find it

And when everyone came to the scene of where Adrian fought, he lied and told everyone that the flute was destroyed when he actually stored it away

Since Adrian fought against Lullaby, Erza didn't get arrested for property damage and Natsu didn't have to come running in dressed as her..... although Adrian wouldn't have minded having a laugh and watching that

When the council had gathered, they had a meeting to discuss what had happened. Everyone was shocked to hear that it was Adrian who single handedly fought it and 'destroyed' it with a technique known as the Kamehameha


Adrian who was currently in his room laying down in bed, was spoken to by a mysterious voice

God: Hey kid

Adrian: God?

God: Yeah it's me, anyway I wanted to tell you that I've enjoyed the show you've put on, it's gotten rid of my boredom

Adrian: Well thanks I guess

God: Also, since I've been having a lot of fun watching you on your adventure, I don't really want it to end. Which is why I'll be giving you a system

Adrian: Wait Really! Like the ones from those fanfics I would read

God: Yes exactly, it will help you get stronger, keep a record of all your abilities and skills, provide you with new abilities and a few other things I believe you'd appreciate

Adrian: That's great.... wait will I be able to enter other anime's

God: Yes you will, but I'll have that ability sealed, at least for a while

Adrian: That's fine, I'm grateful for everything, so I don't mind it being sealed for now

God: Good good, anyway I'll have the system be installed into you so you'll be unconscious for about an hour. I don't know when the next time it'll be that we speak so good luck

Adrian: Thanks

... Initialising system.... 1%....13%.....45%.....67%...84%.....100%..... initialising complete....

[Hello host, I am the system which has been provided to you by God, in order to make you the strongest being in all the universes, it's a pleasure to be working with you]