Changing the story again

When everyone left Adrian quickly got directions on which way to go to find Jellal from the system, allowing Adrian to get there in a few minutes

Adrian had taken Jura with him, and was completely shocked with Adrian's speed as they managed to travel quite the distance in a short amount of time

Under the cover of darkness Adrian found Jellal tied up in a coffin, so he channelled some energy to his hand creating a blade and cut the bindings

Adrian: Jura, I'll leave Brain to you, be careful

Jura: You too Adrian

He then used Kamui to teleport them out from Oracion Seis's hideout, and into Adrian's room at the inn

Adrian placed him down on the bed and planned on having Wendy waking him up afterwards, and would then use the sharingan to bring his memories back

Adrian: Don't worry Jellal, you'll be safe here

Adrian then teleported back outside of the base, where the system then gave him the directions of where Nirvana was

Using Shunpo he travelled through the forest and past rivers for some time before he appeared infront of Nirvana, which was gigantic

Adrian: Holy craps thats big

[System suggests host destroy it in order to gain some hidden rewards, but to destroy it, host will need to release all limiters]

'Ohhh that sounds nice, going all out and the hidden rewards... i wonder what they'll be'

Adrian released his gravity seal and began to fly upwards. Adrian had managed to crack flying by having his clones continously channelling the energy around his body which allowed him to fly a few days beforehand


Adrian released all of his energy so that everybody could feel it for miles to come. Adrian's battle power had reached a shocking level of 200,000

This pressure had caused everyone to feel a bit suffocated, but at the same time the Fairy Tail members felt proud, as they immediately recognised who's pressure this was, and were proud that their friend was so strong

Jura and Brain's battle was halted as Jura smirked, 'So this is what the 5th Saint Adrian's strength is like'

Brain on the other hand was thinking 'Who the hell is giving off this much pressure?'

The other members of Oracion Seis all felt shock too, as they were wondering who this person was, before they all thought the same thing 'Who is this monster?'

Back to Adrian

'System what's my battle power?'

[Host has reached a battle power of 200,000]

'That should be pretty good in a world like this'

[Yes, host has enough strength to easily fight on par with members of the 12 spriggans, but is still lacking strength to fight Acnologia and Zeref]

'Ah man... but it doesn't matter, I still have time to get stronger, anyway back to the task at hand'

Adrian gained a stance and channelled a lot of power in between his palms


Adrian released a massive amount of the Kamehameha, like never before, which crashed downwards towards Nirvana, destroying the lacrimas and completely obliterating it and everything for a mile to come

When the attack was over, Adrian sweatdropped as he looked down, and saw what he did. He managed to create a crater thats 1 mile wide, and 3 miles deep

'Holy fuck!'

[Ding! For destroying Nirvana, you have been awarded 500,000 system points, cooking skills, and a Demon Incubator] (A/N I don't remember the name for the pod that Tartarous puts Mirajane in to turn her into a demon so I'll just call it that)

'That's a pretty good reward but... what am i supposed to do with cooking skills?'

[Host doesn't need to worry as nothing the system gives the host is useless, The level of the cooking skills you have recieved, are at the level of Saiba Joichiro from Food Wars, shall i integrate the skill into host?]

'Hell yeah system, do it quickly'

[Very well, Host should feel a slight headache as a lot of information will be placed in the hosts brain]

Adrian: Nnnnnnn.....

[Congratulations host]

'Damn my mind have a bunch of recipes for food, and I can all feel the experience, maybe I should cook something for Mira sometime'

Flying towards the battlefield he noticed that all the members of Oracion Seis had been defeated, even hoteye, who laid on the ground

'Looks like he had to be forefully subdue him, sorry bro.... she should be here somewhere...'

Looking around around found a woman with purple hair laying nude in the ground. He covered her up with his coat and carried her towards the others

Adrian: Everyone okay?

Erza/Gray/Natsu: Yes/yeah/yep

New Rune Knight: We will be arresting all the members of Orcaion Seis.... We have also heard rumors that a man named Jellal Fernandes was in this area, have any of you seen him

Erza then glanced at Adrian who winked at her before facing the Knight and informing him that no one here saw him, and that if they did, that he'd let them know

New Rune Knight: Very well then, thank you for your cooporation

After the members of Oracion Seis were arrested, the rune knights left, and everyone then looked towards Adrian, with confusion as to who the woman in his arms were. Mira was also very curious to know as she sent him the 'look' which gave him a shudder

Adrian: This is Kinana, shes the snake cubellios who you fought against, and this is her human form. She doesn't have any memories of her life as a snake, so she has no place to go, so I'll take her to the guild where she can work and live her life

Erza: That sounds like a good plan... but Adrian, what about..

Adrian: He's safe don't worry, also thank you all for helping out in this alliance, although the alliance will be disbanded here, I hope that we can all keep a friendly relationship going between us

Ichiya: Yes i hope we can do so as well

Lyon: Yeah, you guys are pretty cool, hope we can still be buds later on

Jura: Yes i hope so too

After everyone said their goodbyes and made their way back to their respective guilds, Adrian turned to Wendy

Adrian: Hey Wendy, the journey back will take a while, how about i teleport us there

Wendy: Thank you, that would be wonderful

Gray: Wait since when were you able to teleport

Adrian: Since always, now let's go

Adrian eyes shifted into the sharingan and teleported them all, and infront of Cait Shelter. Where they met with the guildmaster who revealed that all the members were illusions created by him and that none of it was real

After a tearful goodbye, Adrian teleported everyone to the guild where Wendy was intorduced to the master and made into a Fairy Tail member, at Adrian's request

Erza: Adrian...

Adrian: Yeah yeah, Wendy if you don't mind, would you come with us to heal a friend of ours

Wendy: Yes of course

Adrian: Great then let's go