The First Master

Adrian and Mira began to clean up before they left resting area, and headed to their designated places. As they were walking, Adrian noticed Mira looking a bit worried, and was about to speak when Mira suddenly did

Mira: Adrian, so its almost time huh

Adrian: It is, look even though I know what's going to happen, I'm worried too. At first I thought it'll be just like the story but it's not, many things have changed, but one thing that hasn't, is the strength that Fairy Tail has. Even though the Island will be attacked, everyone will be fine, I promise

Mira: Thank you for saying that Adrian... I was a little scared, but not anymore

Adrian: Always babe

What they didn't notice was a young girl watching everything in silence, and was intrigued when she heard him say something about living in a story?...

After kissing Mira goodbye, they separated and went off in their own directions. With the map he was given by Gildarts he made it to the grave site quickly

About 20 minutes later he arrived at the first masters grave, where he sat down and began to focus on fusing the remaining 25% of his energies

As he sat there for a few hours, he was in a such a state of calmness, that he didn't notice a small girl materialize in front of him, a few hours back, watching him in thought, as she heard everything he said to Erza, and was intrigued, and really wanted to learn more, especially about the part of the attack on the island

Poke poke

Adrian: ....

Poke poke poke

Adrian: .....

Poke poke poke po

Adrian: Arrrrggghhhh damn it what's your problem!

Mavis: Oh... your alive - Mavis deadpanned

Adrian: What do you mean 'Oh your alive'

Mavis: Well you weren't moving, and it didnt look like you were breathing so i started to poke you

Adrian: Sigh well I am alive... so, what can I do for, WAIT! how can you touch me right now first master?

Mavis: Huh, oh I have no idea... I would question how you know me, but I guess I shouldn't expect any less from someone who's living in a... 'Fairy Tail'

Adrian: 'Chuckle' you heard that huh

Mavis: I did, and there's also a few things that I would like to ask you, but first..... Do you think fairy's are real???

Mavis went straight into his face and asked with a questioning and desperate look. 'She's believed in fairy's for so long without ever seeing any, she probably wants to know if there are any in other worlds'

Adrian: Yes I do, and since you heard my conversation with Mira, I'm guessing you know about my plan to take her to other worlds.... a few of which have fairy's

Mavis's face started to brighten up after hearing that they do exist, even though they may not be in this world, they are real. Although she wouldn't admit this to anyone, she's had doubts many times over the years on whether or not they exist, but would never say this to anyone

Mavis, for the first time started to cry, not in sadness, but in happiness. Smiling at her Adrian stood up and hugged her, to which she hugged back and started to cry into his chest

Adrian: That's your first time crying right?

Mavis: Wait how... never mind

Adrian: Hahaha yeah, sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable

Mavis: No it doesn't, to be honest, I'm quite envious of you, being able to live in a story that you love, with the ability to go to others

Adrian: Yeah it's pretty awesome

As Mavis and Adrian were talking to each other, she suddenly remembered something, and quickly snapped her head towards him

Mavis: Earlier.... you said that there'll be an attack here

Adrian: Ah yes, Hades or Precht will invade this island with his guild, but don't worry, they'll be defeated...

Mavis: I'm sensing a but here

Adrian: But.... thats not what we need to worry about. You see not long after they get sent packing, we are attacked by Acnologia

Mavis: Acnologia!!?

Adrian: Yes but before we're all destroyed by the blast, you use one of the three grand fairy spells to make the island disappear, and place everyone in a 7 year long sleep. Which is the moment where me Mira, and now Erza will leave, but will come back the moment everyone else wakes up

Mavis: I see....

Mavis placed a hand underneath her chin and.... was stroking an imaginery beard??? Huh she looks quite cute like that.... wait, I'm not a loli i swear

Mavis: Why do they come here in the first place?

Adrian: Oh they came here for Zeref

Mavis: Zeref's here!

Adrian: Yeah your baby daddy is here on the island

Mavis: Baby da... wait, is my child still alive??

Adrian: Yes he is. You see when he was abandoned and left to die, he had to steal to survive, and learnt some magic. The magic that he knows allowed him to remember the moments when he was born, so he knows who his parents are. But here's the real kicker, a few years later he actually met Zeref and was taken in as his disciple, and became one of the 12 spriggans later on, he actually recieved his name from Zeref, however after all this time, Zeref still doesn't know that's his son

Mavis: My... my son... his name, what's his name?

Adrian: August

Mavis: August....

Adrian began to comfort Mavis as he was the only one who could physically touch her, probably due to his energies which he managed to fully fuse, before Mavis started to poke him

As they were speaking for a while, time flew by, and the members of Fairy tail had already entered the island and had begun their trial. At one point Adrian could feel Gildarts magic power rising, 'Guess he should be finishing up with Natsu right about now'

Adrian: Hey first master, guess it's almost time for them to search for your grave

Mavis: Oh this is gonna be so much fun Adrian

Mavis jumped and grabbed onto Adrian's arm, as a little sister would to her older brother. Mavis had been without the touch of another person for so long, and after meeting Adrian, although not for long, they'd formed a strong bond between each other, enough to call each other by their names and as good friends

Mavis: Adrian

Adrian: What is it Mavis?

Mavis: Aren't you going to help them fight?

Adrian: I will, when Acnologia arrives

Mavis: You plan on fighting him!!??

Mavis him closer and tighter and glared at him, she didn't wanna lose another friend so quickly, so she planned on convincing him to leave as soon as possible

Adrian: Relax Mavis, i won't die i promise, i still have a few adventures to go through, i just want to see the difference in our strength before i leave

Mavis: Hmmmmmmm

Adrian: Mavis?


Adrian: Mavis????

Mavis: .... okay, you aren't lying

Adrian: Of course I'm not

Both Adrian and Mavis focused on the battle from a distance and were quite calm the whole time, as they could tell that Grimoire Heart was losing

Adrian then felt Gildarts power rise again, but this time it was serious. 'Guess Bluenote attacked Cana... poor bastard'

Mavis started to grow curious as the time for Adrian's departure grew nearer and nearer, so she asked him

Mavis: Where do you plan on going for you adventures?

Adrian: There are lots of places i would like to go to, to get stronger, to have fun.... to build my own team

Mavis: Your own team?

Adrian: Yeah, you see the masters grandson Laxus has the 'Thunder Legion', a group that are dedicated to him and would follow him anywhere... i guess i want something like that, my own crew

Mavis: Sounds like you want a pirate crew hehe

Adrian: Haha maybe...

Mavis: I was joking....

Adrian: ...