
After the awkward moment between them, Mira and Adrian just chuckled before they met up with the others and prepared to leave

They were standing in front of everyone who had a sad smile on their face, as they were watching their Headmaster disappear again

After saying their tearful goodbyes, they all waved before they disappeared in a bright light, leaving Harry and his friends standing there with smiles and tears


Looking around they found themselves in a forest with a small clearing a few meters ahead of them, so they began to walk forward, and when the reached the end, they found a corpse laying there. It was a young boy, who looked to be 16 years old

Adrian leaned over him and decided to make this quick, as he didn't want to wait for too long, just in case some other people arrived. So he quickly took out a Knight piece and placed it within the young chest, and watched as it glowed

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the boy woke up and felt confused, as he knew that there were people around, but he couldn't sense anything from them, except for a single person, who seemed to have a lot of chakra within

Adrian: Hey easy there, don't worry we don't mean any harm so there's no need to be worried

???: I-I died, how??? who are you???

Adrian: My name is Adrian Knight, and these are my friends, Masrur, Ophis, Dumbledore, and Mira. You mind telling us your name?

???: Shisui... my name is Shisui Uchiha

Adrian: Well it's nice to meet you Shisui, and as you've already realised, yes you were dead but i brought you back from the dead

Shisui was shocked, he'd never heard of someone having the ability to bring another person back from the dead. Yes he'd heard of the Rinnegan, but that was a myth

Shisui: How and why?

Adrian: Well, as you've already noticed my friends don't have chakra within them, but I do. You see we aren't from this world, currently we are travelling to different worlds so that I can put together a team... for reasons that I don't want to disclose at the moment. Anyway, I could tell that you are a very special person, so I decided to bring you back

Shisui: ..... I-I don't know what to say... thank you for bringing me back but... I'm afraid I'll be of no use to you like this

Shisui said pointing towards the empty sockets that used to be his eyes. Adrian only smiled before placing a hand on his shoulder and told him that, that wouldn't be a problem for long. Confused at what he meant Adrian gave his team an order

Adrian: We have two things that we must do before we leave.... Kill the man who did this to Shisui... and return to him his eyes

Shisui was shocked once again as he heard what seemed to be 4 other voices agree with him. Being raised to his feet, Shisui leaned on Adrian for support, and was then asked for all the information that they'd need to avenge him and get his eyes back

Hearing that they were serious, Shisui told them everything about Danzo and his plan to stop Fugaku's rebellion. Adrian and the gang were listening with full concentration, and planned out how to do this

Ophis Dumbledore and Masrur would take on Root, Mira would take on Danzo, and Adrian would go with Shisui to get his other eye back from Itachi

Uchiha Compound

Sneaking inside the compound was not easy at all. Shisui however did know a few secret ways in, but they still needed to be careful as they didn't want to alert the people inside

When they made it to the Itachi's home, Shisui used a crow noise to signal Itachi to come out. It was something that they used to signal to each other when they were younger

Itachi who was currently grieving silently in his room, walked up to the window, where he looked out and found Shisui standing opposite him with another man. Seeing this he quickly jumped down and made his way towards them

Itachi: Shisui!

Shisui: Sshhhh

Itachi: How are you alive???

Shisui: I'll explain later, right now i need my eye

Itachi: Okay.... here you go

Shisui took his eye from Itachi and quickly placed in back into its socket, and began to look around, trying to see if it was back to 100 percent again. As he did this he was very surprised as he could feel a lot more power within his body

Adrian had informed him on the journey over about what he now is, and the benefits to that, along with the weaknesses, but was told that he'd be able to get strong enough to overcome them sooner or later

Once Shisui managed to regain his barings, Itachi started to question him on everything and on who Adrian was. So they went back to a secret place in the woods, where Itachi and Shisui would train on new techniques, and told him everything

Adrian: I hear that your father wants to cause a rebellion

Itachi: .... Yes he does

Adrian: Don't worry, because he won't be able to. You see once Shisui gets his eye back, he'll be 3 times as strong as he was before, and from what you told me your plan to place everyone under a genjutsu would never have worked. However with his current strength that'll be easy to do, and everyone can be saved

Both Itachi and Shisui were speechless, as their plan was something that they couldn't do due to their lack in strength, but hearing that it'll now work, they both had hope for a better future, for the village and their clan

Itachi: ....How can you be so sure that the Shisui will be able to do it

Adrian: I know more about the sharingan than you would think

Adrian said this and then activated his mangekyo sharingan, completely blowing the both of them away, as they stared into his eyes, and could feel his power coming from within