
When Adrian appeared in the guild everyone started to cheer and welcome him back, and Jet quickly handed him a drink. Makarov who was sitting at a table with the new Master of the guild held his drink out and clinked it with Adrian's

"So Adrian how did it go, did you manage to get the guild back" Makarov asked causing everyone to look at him nervously

"Of course I did, it should be ready for us to head back into soon" Makarov patted Adrian on the back for a job well done, before calling Mira and Erza to go out with him, to take care of a little nuisance called 'Twilight Ogre'

Before they left Mira came up to Adrian "Hey you just missed Lamia Scale, Jura was looking for you, he said he wanted to see you before the games"

Adrian just smirked and thought that he'd keep his distance until it was time for the games. That way he'd be able to shock them all, with how much he's improved. Just 3 months to go

Adrian gave Mira a kiss on the cheek and decided to go home, as it has been 7 years since he's been gone. It must've gotten very dusty, and he wanted it cleaned by the time Mira arrived

Instead of teleporting, he just walked back home, as he wanted to enjoy the fresh air for a change, after training for 7 years straight, he didn't want to use his powers for a while, and just wanted to have a nice romantic dinner with the love of his life

However before he did do this, he stopped by a hotel and booked 6 rooms. One for Elaine and Ophis to share, one for Masrur, one for Dumbledore, one for Shisui one for Pikkon and one for Mihawk. Adrian paid for 4 months in advance for them, so that they can become members and earn enough money for themselves before purchasing their own place

"Okay everyone, here are your keys, and the room numbers are attatched to them. Take your time to enjoy the scenery, go buy some things and have fun, because the games don't begin for another 3 months. I'll introduce you to the master when we get the Guild back" Adrian told them, and gave them quite a lot of money, before he said his goodbyes to them and headed off home

When Adrian arrived at home, everything was still the same. No one had bothered to come near his house as it was private property, so no one could take it away. However when he opened the door, there were a bunch of letters on the floor

Adrian picked up the letters and brought them into the house and placed them on the counter. Luckily, Adrian had already placed plastic covers on the furniture since he knew he was going to be gone for 7 years

Adrian conjured up a few clones and had them clean up the house, so that when Mira comes back everythings perfect. The orginal Adrian sent a clone out to get some ingredients, before heading into the shower


"WIFE!!!" A man shouted. "Yes dear what is it?" The woman replied. "I can feel my fats tingling..... they're back" The man said in a hushed tone causing the woman to gasp in excitement

As this was happening, the other neighbours of Adrian had noticed him go into his house and were all ecstatic over the fact that he'd returned. Shameless people, only met him once, and asked him for food. Currently they were all planning on how they would get some of the good grub, since after they had it for the first time they were hooked, however they couldn't eat anymore as Adrian was gone

Back to Adrian

He had finished in the shower and began to cook lunch for Mira, however he felt that he had accidently made too much in the excitement of returning home. A place that he had bought with his own money. Adrian was really attatched to this place, as he was very poor in his old life, and didn't live in a stable home while growing up. Adrian made sure that when purchasing a home, it would be a home that would last for generations to come

Adrian began to set up the table, and heard the door open. When Adrian looked towards the doorway he saw Mira and smiled, but then frowned when he saw the 'guests' she'd brought with her

Along with Mira, entered Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lisannna, Elfman, Canna, Gildarts, Wendy, Carla and the Master? Why was he here.... no scratch that, why were they all here?

"Umm hey guys, what's up?" Adrian asked while fearing the inevitable answer. Mira only chuckled sheepishly, while Erza looked a little embarrased. Meanwhile Gildarts just had a stupid smile on his face, as if he'd found nirvana..... Adrian wanted to punch him in the face, didn't know why

"That would be my fault, you see when Mira said you'd be cooking lunch, I got excited and remebered how you cooked the last time, and Natsu and everyone else overheard and wanted to try it out. Besides we've never been in your house and wanted to see what it looks like" Erza said while looking down slightly embarrased

"Sigh... well, it's no matter, just make yourselves comfortable, and let me cook for a bit longer" Adrian told her causing her to relax. Mira then gave them a tour of their home, and everyone looked amazed at their home, as it had everything. Space and a lot of it, an extra room, a massive bedroom, a huge bathroom, a basment with a lot of free space, and a hot tub.... who can afford a hot tub??? Well apparently Adrian can

They were all very impressed with Adrian's and Mira's home, causing Lucy to sigh in defeat. Even Carla praised their home, which caused Wendy to feel a bit depressed, as she thought she'd never be able to do so many jobs to pay for this

After waiting for an hour, everyone sat down on the table With Mira and Adrian sitting at the head of the tables, and everyone else on the sides

When the food was brought out they immediately started to drool, as the scent was intoxicating. Adrian was slightly worried that Natsu and Gray would cause a mess. Mira, sensing this gave the two of them a smile, filled with killing intent causing them to shut up, and then sent a genuine smile towards Adrian

Damn, Adrian didn't think he'd ever do better than Mira, and was really glad to have her in his life